[wanabidii] IDF Soldiers injured in Terror Attacks. New Jerusalem Chief Rabbis. Bnei Noach - Oct. 22, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

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October 22, 2014 / 28 Tishri 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

ISIS-Linked Group Takes Credit for Terror Attack  From Sinai - IDF Soldiers Injured
A terror cell attacked Israeli soldiers patrolling the southern border Wednesday from the Sinai Peninsula.
IDF soldiers are evacuated to a hospital after a terror attack. Photo credit: Smiley Hafuch / Rotter.net

UPDATED: Car Rams Through Gush Etzion Checkpoint, Guard Injured
A car tried to run through the Gush Etzion checkpoint near the tunnel roads.
Gush Etzion Tunnel Road

IDF Checks for Terror Tunnel Threat in Northern Israel
The IDF doesn't discuss it but is not ignoring possible terror tunneling in the north.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon walks through a Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza to Israel.

IDF Confirms Hamas Mega-Attack Plan
The IDF confirms Gaza's ruling Hamas terror organization planned a massive terror attack on Israel via its tunnel network.
Terrorists are seen emerging from a terrorist tunnel just a few meters away from a kibbutz near the Gaza border.

2 New Chief Rabbis Elected for Jerusalem After 10-Yr Hiatus
Israel's holy capital of Jerusalem once more celebrates the election of both an Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Jewish spiritual guidance in the city.
Newly elected Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem: Rav Shlomo Amar (L) and Rav Aryeh Stern (R).

Abbas Wreaks Vengeance on Arabs Selling Land to Jews
PA unity govt chairman Mahmoud Abbas raises the penalty for selling land to a "hostile nation" (Jew).
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas speaking in Ramallah. (archive)

'Radicalized' Convert to Islam Attempted to Murder Canadian Soldiers [video]
A radicalized Canadian convert to Islam rammed soldiers in what may have been an act of terrorism.
Facebook post from man believed to be Canadian convert to Islam who rammed soldiers with his car in possible terrorist attack, Oct. 20, 2014.

Head of Iran's Top Clerical Body Dies
After lying in coma for months, 83-year-old Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani has died, Iranian media reported Tuesday.
Route for weapons shipment to Gaza from Iran.

Israel Attempts to Insert Reason into UN Debate About Middle East
Israel's UN ambassador refuted secretary-general's hackneyed and false understanding of instability in the Middle East.
Israel's Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations David Roet, at a UNSC meeting held July 22, 2014 regarding the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict.

Israel's Government Recruits Citizens to 'Fight Ebola'
Israel's government is recruiting citizens to help combat the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa.
Israel sends supplies to combat Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leona.

The Sons of Noach
Myth #1: It is easy to be a B'nai Noach. It is extraordinarily hard to be a B'nai Noach.
Noah and his Family; mixed media collage by Nathan Hilu. Courtesy Hebrew Union College Museum

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