[wanabidii] Burn your ISIS flag, French shul bombing foiled, Syrian drone shot down - Aug. 31, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

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August 31, 2014 / 5 Elul 5774


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Headlines & Recommended

IDF Shoots Down Syrian Drone with Patriot
The IAF shot down a drone from Syria...
A Patriot Missile System in Israel

Teen Girls Planned to Bomb French Synagogue
The jihad network has snared teenagers in its web. One out of every six Frenchmen supports the ISIS.
The Great Synagogue in Lyons was targeted for a suicide bombing by two Muslim teenage girls.

Burn Your ISIS Flag Today [video] #BurnISISFlagChallenge
Burning ISIS flags is starting to go viral in Lebanon, but the Lebanese Justice Minister wants to make it illegal.

Zoabi Sings Palestinian Authority Anthem at Hamas 'Victory' Rally
What other country would allow legislators to openly declare their allegiance to another entity?
MK Hanin Zoabi, under the protection of the Israeli flag, speaks against Israel.

Tensions with Catholics Force Lev Tahor Out of Guatemala Village
Mixing the Haredi Lev Tahor cult with a bunch of fiercely religious Roman Catholics is a recipe for dynamite.
Lev Tahor children, in black garb, play with their toys.

British Jews To March Against Anti-Semitism
With Judeophobic attacks spiking around United Kingdom, local Jews say not enough done to enforce hate crime laws
Man holds daughter on shoulders at Pro-Israel Rally

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