[wanabidii] Press Releases: Publication of U.S. Department of State Data on ForeignAssistance.gov

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

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06/10/2014 03:48 PM EDT

Publication of U.S. Department of State Data on ForeignAssistance.gov

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 10, 2014

The Department of State is pleased to announce its first release of foreign assistance obligation and disbursement data on ForeignAssistance.gov. This is a significant milestone for both the Department and the U.S. Government, and delivers on key U.S. commitments in the U.S. National Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership, a network of 64 countries and civil society organizations dedicated to improving transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, as well as commitments to the multi-stakeholder International Aid Transparency Initiative. With the addition of the Department of State’s financial data, users can access the website to examine detailed foreign assistance spending for nine agencies through ForeignAssistance.gov.

ForeignAssistance.gov serves as a mechanism for users to view foreign assistance data from across the U.S. Government and provides a wide variety of stakeholders with a tool to analyze, examine, research, and track U.S. Government foreign assistance investments. Foreign aid transparency can help recipient governments and interested stakeholders ensure more efficient use of aid, coordination among donors, and reduce opportunities for waste, duplication, and corruption.

This release makes available to the public financial transaction data for the bureaus and offices in the Department that implement foreign assistance funding. The data is drawn from the State Department’s centrally-managed financial system and includes both grants and contracts for domestic foreign assistance obligations and expenditures. The data begins with obligations created in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 and spending that took place in FY 2012 through the second quarter of FY 2014, and will be updated on a quarterly basis.

This is the first release of Department of State foreign assistance financial data, and subsequent updates will endeavor to expand the quality and quantity of data released. Improving public access to data is a top priority for the Department and we will continue to identify new ways to provide information on how we use government resources to achieve U.S. foreign policy goals.

To learn more about ForeignAssistance.gov, please visit the information sections of the website, including the What You Should Know, What’s Coming, and FAQs pages. Comments, questions, or suggestions can be submitted through the Contact Us form on the site.

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