Lessons from the post-cold war transformation of East Central Europe’s arms industry With the collapse of the Soviet Union, arms makers in Eastern Europe faced a drastic disruption in their economic, political and social environment, losing external markets, state backing and their privileged position in the economic and political structures, argues Yudit Kiss.
Continue reading ... |  | SIPRI Board member to act as Ukraine negotiator SIPRI Governing Board member Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger (Germany) has been appointed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) as a negotiator in an effort to create a more constructive political atmosphere in the country.
Continue reading ... |  | Reviewing the 2014 NPT PrepCom The third and final Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2015 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was held in New York between 28 April and 9 May. SIPRI's Tariq Rauf posted a series of daily updates from the meeting.
Continue reading ... |  | UPCOMING EVENTS |  | 9 June, Stockholm Atoms for Peace in the 21st Century: The Changing Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency
SIPRI, the Government Offices of Sweden and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority will co-host a lecture by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano. Read the full event invitation (PDF). Please confirm your participation by 6 June to Cynthia Loo, SIPRI Senior Management Assistant (telephone: 08-655 97 51, email: cloo@sipri.org).
16 June, Stockholm Launch of SIPRI's nuclear forces figures
In the fourth launch of SIPRI data ahead of the publication of SIPRI Yearbook 2014, SIPRI will release its latest figures on world nuclear forces on 16 June. This follows the widely covered releases of SIPRI data on the arms industry in January, international arms transfers in March and military expenditure in April. SIPRI Yearbook 2014, a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflict, military spending and armaments, and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament, will be published in full later in the year.
Join the SIPRI media mailing list to receive our press releases via email. To sign up for SIPRI event announcements contact SIPRI Communications Director Stephanie Blenckner.
| STAFF NEWS |  | Changes in leadership at SIPRI
The Governing Board of SIPRI and Professor Tilman Brück have agreed that Professor Brück will leave his position as Director of SIPRI as of 30 June 2014. Professor Brück will serve SIPRI as a Distinguished Senior Fellow to continue his work on the economics of security and development. Göran Lennmarker, Chairman of SIPRI’s Governing Board, announced his resignation from the SIPRI Governing Board.
The Governing Board of SIPRI will appoint an Acting Director with the explicit mandate to continue the reforms initiated by Professor Brück. The SIPRI Governing Board will be chaired by the Deputy Chairman Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala as Acting Chairman until further notice.
The Governing Board has agreed to appoint an international expert to undertake a comprehensive review of SIPRI and to make recommendations for its future, based on consultations with all relevant stakeholders.
Read the full press statement ...
| FEATURED PUBLICATION |  | Arms Industry Transformation and Integration: The Choices of Central Europe by Yudit Kiss
The defence industry was one of the pillars of the command economy system in East Central Europe. After the end of the cold war the sector went through dramatic changes: it was radically downsized, reorganized and restructured according to the needs of the emerging new socio-economic systems. One of the major factors that shaped this adjustment was the enlargement of NATO and the European Union and the prospect of integration into these two organizations.
This book presents a comparative analysis of the defence industries of six East Central European countries—Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia—describing how they adjusted to the changed political and economic environment in both the domestic and international contexts.
Read more about this book ... |  | NEW PUBLICATION |  | Relations between Afghanistan and Central Asian states after 2014: Incentives, Constraints and Prospects by Nargis Kassenova All Central Asian states are concerned about the potential spillover of insecurity from Afghanistan. The impending withdrawal of international forces is seen as potentially leading to destabilization, with negative consequences for the region. This report explores the commonalities and differences in the policies of Central Asian states toward Afghanistan. The author argues that the Soviet-era isolation of Central Asian states from their traditional neighbours has been broken, and that opportunities for business, educational and people-to-people links will only increase.
This paper is published under the Wider Central Asia Initiative, a two-year SIPRI project to promote and facilitate dialogue among the main external stakeholders in Afghanistan's future. The initiative is funded by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Download the report ... |  | © SIPRI 2014. ISSN 1654-8264. Contact SIPRI by email: sipri@sipri.org; telephone: +46 8 655 97 00; or post: SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, SE-169 70 Solna, Sweden. Visit us online at www.sipri.org. This message was sent to wanabidii@googlegroups.com. If you would prefer not to receive emails from SIPRI simply unsubscribe. | | | |