[wanabidii] APO (African Press Organization) Opens Office in Dubai

Monday, March 24, 2014

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APO (African Press Organization) Opens Office in Dubai


The sole press release wire in Africa, and the global leader in media relations related to Africa


DUBAI, UAE, March 24, 2014/ -- APO (African Press Organization) (http://www.apo-opa.com), the sole press release wire in Africa, and the global leader in media relations related to Africa, announced today the opening of an office in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to serve the Middle East, where demand for APO media relations services dedicated to Africa has been growing rapidly.


Logo APO: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/apo-african-press-organization-small.png


Photo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=782 (Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, Founder and CEO of APO (African Press Organization)


“Over the last 12 months we have experienced an increasing level of interest from clients operating from the Middle East, and we are looking forward to strengthening existing relationships with clients while building new partnerships”, said APO Founder and CEO, Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard.


“APO meets all communication requirements concerning Africa. The offer includes any activities related to PR, ranging from press release distribution and monitoring to online press conferences, interactive webcasts and op-ed placements, and expert advice on African PR practices can also be provided”, added Pompigne-Mognard.


The Dubai office, which is located in Dubai Airport Free Zone, becomes APO's fifth regional head office after Dakar (Sénégal), Lausanne (Switzerland), Mumbaï (India), and Victoria (Seychelles).


APO manages Africa Wire®, the service for press release distribution and monitoring in Africa, reaching over 50,000 media contacts, bloggers and social networks, and redistributing content to over 50 African websites, Bloomberg Terminal, Thomson Reuters, Lexis Nexis, Dow Jones Factiva, and more.


Used by some of the world’s largest companies, communications agencies, institutions and organizations, Africa Wire® guarantees the most extensive reach to Africa, acting as the conduit for APO’s clients’ targeted audience in all parts of the continent and the world.


More information about Africa Wire®, the service for press release distribution in Africa: http://www.apo-opa.com/services.php



Aïssatou Diallo


+41 22 534 96 97



About APO


APO (African Press Organization) (http://www.apo-opa.com) is the sole press release wire in Africa, and the global leader in media relations related to Africa.


With offices in Senegal, UAE, Switzerland, India, and Seychelles, APO owns a media database of over 50,000 contacts and the main online community for Africa-related news.


It offers a complete range of services including press release distribution and monitoring, online press conferences, interactive webcasts, media interactions, strategic advice, public diplomacy, government relations, and events promotion. To find out more please visit, http://www.apo-opa.com.


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APO (African Press Organization)


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