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Ask your questions LIVE to the CEO of the African Guarantee Fund (AGF)
Africa CEO Forum: The CEO of the African Guarantee Fund (AGF), Felix BIKPO, will host a press conference available live over the internet on Tuesday March 18 at 17h00 GMT
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A milestone event will be announced during this press conference; where new information will be disclosed regarding a new confirmed capital injection by a strategic partner; which will enhance the objectives of AGF.
Journalists interested in attending this event will be able to ask questions live over the Internet.
In 2012, SMEs in Africa expected to benefit from 500Million USD fund. What will it be in 2014?
The AGF, a joint equity venture of the Danish and Spanish governments and the African Development Bank, will cover only a tiny part of a funding gap for sub-Saharan SMEs estimated by AGF at up to $100 billion.
In 2012, the CEO of AGF said the fund would seek to develop SMEs in key industries to reduce the effects of imported inflation due to over-reliance on trade with Europe and the Middle East. Find out how the macroeconomic components have improved and where are the leading sectors for SMEs.
Speaker: Felix BIKPO, CEO of the African Guarantee Fund (AGF) (http://www.africanguaranteefund.com)
Date: Tuesday March 18
Time: From 17h00 GMT (Time Converter: http://bit.ly/1ghJ9Sa)
Languages: English and French
How it works: This service is FREE and only requires a computer connected to the internet.
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Contact: +41 22 534 96 97, sec.sg@apo-opa.org
Distributed by the African Press Organization on behalf of the African Guarantee Fund (AGF).