[wanabidii] Yehuda Glick Banned, Police Brutality & Ethiopians, Strait of Hormuz, - May 1, 2015

Friday, May 01, 2015

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May 1, 2015 / 12 Iyyar 5775
Shabbat Shalom
Parshat Emor - Israel
Parshat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim- Galus


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Police Ban Yehuda Glick on Temple Mount because He Is 'Dangerous'
Glick's tell the court that if he is so dangerous, the police should not let him out of his house.
Yehuda Glick seen with a private security guard .

Obama Sends Biden to Threaten War on Iran
There is a new American-Israeli peace process between Netanyahu and Obama.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

US Navy Escorting US-Flagged Vessels in Strait of Hormuz
US warships are now escorting US-flagged commercial vessels as they sail through the Persian Gulf.
USS Farragut, a Navy destroyer, Arleigh Burke class.

Peaceful Protest by Ethiopians against Police Brutality Turns Violent
Police drew the red line at the protest when the peace march threatened security at Netanyahu's official residence.
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Apartheid, The Truth‏
Today's world and a shocking amount of Jews and Israelis support apartheid against Jews in of Israel
Reverse Apartheid

Israel Coalition Deal Means Tax Hike on Investment Housing
Likud and Kulanu shook hands on a deal to raise Israeli purchase taxes on investment homes in a new coalition deal.
Rainbow seen over Jerusalem apartment buildings.

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