[wanabidii] 20th Western Africa Oil, Gas/LNG & Energy 2014 Conference, Windhoek, Namibia, 15-16 April 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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Ministry of Petroleum, Angola speaking in Windhoek, Namibia, April 15, 2014


Global Pacific & Partners hosts it’s 20th Western Africa Oil, Gas/LNG & Energy 2014 Conference, at the Country Club, Windhoek, Namibia, over 15-16 April 2014


WINDHOEK, Namibia, March 25, 2014/ -- With a 35+ year track record in and on Africa, Global Pacific & Partners (http://www.glopac-partners.com) hosts it’s 20th Western Africa Oil, Gas/LNG & Energy 2014 Conference, at the Country Club, Windhoek, Namibia, over 15-16 April 2014, with the 10th Western Africa: Strategy Briefing taking place on the 14th April at same venue.


Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/140324.png


Download the brochure: http://www.apo-mail.org/1403241.pdf


Download the Registration Form: http://www.apo-mail.org/140324r.pdf


About "Global Pacific & Partners: Clubs and Networks": http://www.apo-mail.org/140324net.pdf


Emphasis on the Western Africa Oil/Gas Landscapes

The “Western Africa” arena covers a vast oil and gas exploration zone, one of the world’s richest and most promising for ventures- from Morocco to the Cape, including island states, with an enormous offshore zone and hydrocarbon potential, alongside prospective deep water blocks, ultra-deep opportunities only to date marginally explored, Exclusive Economic Zones, and promising pre-salt potential analogous to Brazil.


10th Western Africa Strategy Briefing, 14th April

The Strategy Briefing provides an unrivalled set of key insights on the Western Africa oil, gas and energy game, built on over 30 years of oil and gas research, to track shifting oil-gas/energy maps in Western Africa, providing seasoned insights.


Confirmed Senior-Level Presentations from:

•          Ministry of Mines & Energy, Namibia

•          Agence de Gestion et de Cooperation Entre la Guinee Bissau et le Senegal (AGC), Dakar

•          SAOGA: South African Oil & Gas Alliance, Cape Town

•          Serica Energy, London

•          Chariot Oil & Gas, London

•          Global New Ventures, Noble Energy, Houston

•          PetroSA, Cape Town

•          Regalis Petroleum, Namibia

•          Sogenal Oil & Gas, Nigeria & Vice Chairman Petroleum Club, Lagos

•          Sonagas G.E, Equatorial Guinea

•          Panoro Energy, London

•          Petroci, Abidjan

•          ONHYM, Morocco

•          Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL

•          Petroguin EP,Guinea-Bissau

•          Agencia Nacional do Petroleo de São Tomé e Príncipe (ANP-STP)

•          Azonto Petroleum Ltd, Perth

•          Ecobank Group, London

•          Instinct Energy, Australia

•          HRT Oil & Gas, Rio de Janeiro

•          Ministry of Petroleum, Angola

•          Africa Fortesa Corp, Houston

•          Angola Legal Partner, Luanda


Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Global Pacific & Partners.



Note for the press:

For further information, please contact


Global Pacific & Partners

Babette van Gessel                           

Tel: +31-70.324.6154                                   

@: babette@glopac.com                  


Sonika Greyvenstein

Tel: +27-11.880.7052

@: Sonika@glopac.com


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