Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your feedback on the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) on the CLIMATE IMPACTS RESEARCH CAPACITY AND LEADERSHIP ENHANCEMENT (CIRCLE) Fellowship programme. To make it easy for all to access the information needed in submitting the expression of interest, I am happy to send you the information in both MS Word and PDF versions attached to this mail.
You can also find the links below:
EOI for Host Institutions =
EOI for Nominating/Home institutions =
EOI for Potential Fellows =
Or just click on any of the following as applies to you:
EOI for potential Host institutions
EOI for potential Nominating/Home institutions
These links replace the former ones. Please, if you already completed the online Expression of Interest (EOI) survey before this mail, kindly redo it with these links to make sure we have your submission in our system. Accept our apology for any inconveniences caused you.
Thank you, once again and kindly share this information within your wide networks.
Dr Benji Apraku Gyampoh
Benjamin Apraku Gyampoh, PhD | Programme Officer | The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) []
Postal Address: P.O. Box 24916 – 00502, Nairobi, KENYA | Physical Address: No. 8 Miotoni Lane, Miotoni Road, Karen, Nairobi
Tel: + 254 (20) 806 0674 | Fax: +254 (20) 806 0675 | Mobile +254 728 741632 | Skype: benji.gyampoh
Twitter: @aprakugyampoh | Blog: