[Mabadiliko] Fwd: [tsae1973] CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Tanzania - Germany Postgraduate Training Program - 2014 PhD studies in Germany [2 Attachments]

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Dear colleagues,



Baanda A. Salim
Dr. Baanda A. Salim
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning
P.O.Box 3003, CHUO KIKUU,
Tel: +255 23 2604216 (Office); +255 23 2603511-4 Ext. 4435 (Office);
Mobile Phone(s): +255 755 753233(Vodacom); +255 784 753233(Airtel);
+255 655 753233(Tigo)
E-mail address: basalim2000@yahoo.co.uk
Alternative E-mail Address: basalim@suanet.ac.tz
Skype: basalim2000
���Have the maturity to know sometimes silence is more powerful than having the last word.��� -Thema Davis

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