[wanabidii] To The Kimisho Team

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Following our Registration as Kimisho Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd on the 4th July 2013 under Registration No. CS/15312 pursuant to The Co=operative Societies Act - Cap 490, Section 6[3], and following our invitation to Members to apply for positions in the Management Committee that fell vacant with the said Registration, it is my pleasure to make the following announcements;

On the 13th July 2013, I issued a Notice to all Members inviting all those who wanted to vie for any position in the Management Committee to submit to me their applications for the same by end of business on 22nd July 2013.

I am happy many people did apply, and as indicated in my earlier communication, the Management Committee Membership was only open to Registered Members of Kimisho Community Development Network- KCDN, and the following Members applied for the following positions;
  1. Chairmanship; Mr. Dismus Omondi Obondo
  2. Vice Chairmanship; Ms Merab Akuom
  3. Secretary; Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch
  4. Vice Secretary
  5. Treasurer; Mr. Fredrick Omondi Banja
Committee Members;
We only need 4 Committee Members, but we got a large number on this;
  • Mr. Joel Otiang',
  • Mr. Edward Gondi Olima,
  • Ms Rose Mboya Dwallo,
  • Mr. Fredrick Mangala Muhanji,
  • Mr. Stephen O Obala,
  • Mr. Joel Akama,
  • Mr. Gideon Indeche,
  • Mr. Stephen Machua
I want to appreciate all those who did apply even though they are not Registered Members of KCDN. You still have a chance of being part of The Kimisho Family. And I also want to appreciate all those who have sent to us their Application Fee of Kshs 2,000.00 to help us with hosting our 1st AGM.

During the AGM, we will officially unveil our Board of Directors and our Strategic Partners. Kimisho is about us and we must all play our part to make it succeed.

Lastly, we will have a meeting with all those who have shown interest to be in our Management Committee on the 3rd August 2013 at 11am in Nairobi. You are all invited to liaise with me about the venue.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
The Team Leader/Executive Director,
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel; +254 724 365 557,
Email; kimishodevelopment@gmail.com komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Blogspot; http://kcdnkomarockswatch.blogspot.com
Mailing List; friendsofkcdn@yahoogroups.com friendsofnyanza@yahoogroups.com

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