[wanabidii] A stranger in the city!

Friday, May 17, 2013
You have met a stranger (young lady with a kid) late in the evening in town who requests you for fare.She says she was coming from home Thika to meet her brother who unfortunately cannot be reached.She further says that she is going to her sisters place (Kikuyu) and knows no neighbor nor the matatu crew.On asking for her sisters contact number,on calling,u find that the subscriber cannot be reached.She fails to get any other number at all of any friend or relative.On asking her to get numbers from her mobile,she says that her phone was dropped unto a bail of water by baby and does not have one (remember she said that her brother cannot be reached who was to pick her)what is your take here!


Unaposaidia,unaongesewanga mara mingi!

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