Thanks Evans,
This is a national agenda we are driving. We must not live conferencing and producing reports about things we know and can be done even as fellow Kenyans die of simple communicable diseases.
If you have been to Kibera "inside" then you will appreciate what we are talking about.
It is time that leadership is demanded of those with specific mandates.It is not enough to yearn for higher leadership when simple things have totally defeated us.
Otieno Sungu.
From: Evans MACHERA <>
To: "" <>; "Vugu Vugu" <>; BUNGE MWANACHI <>; Wanabidii <>; WANAKENYA KENYA <>; Kiswahili <>; uchunguzi online <>
Cc: young proffessionals <>; kol <>; vision Kenyayahoo Group <>; Wakenya Google group <>; "" <>; Bunge La Mwanainchi. <>; Friends of KCDN Group <>; Kenya Community <>; Association KenyansinRwanda <>; citizens against violence <>; Mars Group Kenya <>; mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGENETWORK <>; ramogi luo <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:41 PM
Subject: [NewVisionKenya] Reclaming Kibera from Waste and Filth.
Congrats for the efforts of the good work so far.
To engage youth groups in trainings on collection of waste is a big step that needs support on mantainance of cleanliness and making use of the waste.
We have a number of laws (Acts of parliament) that also need harmonization as they have conflicts here and there especially on the use of our forests,and institutions or Ministries that are in charge - how do the Ministries of Forestry and Wildlife provide under the applicable laws!
We also have Environmental crimes on use and dispossing waste that if understood,we shall have a clean country like Rwanda among others.
Keep on with the goodwork.
From: otieno sungu <>
To: "Vugu Vugu" <>
Cc: young proffessionals <>; kol <>; vision Kenyayahoo Group <>; Wakenya Google group <>; "" <>; Bunge La Mwanainchi. <>; progressive-kenyans <>; Friends of KCDN Group <>; Kenya Community <>; Association KenyansinRwanda <>; citizens against violence <>; Mars Group Kenya <>; mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGENETWORK <>; ramogi luo <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:45 AM
Subject: [PK] Reclaming Kibera from Waste and Filth.
To: "Vugu Vugu" <>
Cc: young proffessionals <>; kol <>; vision Kenyayahoo Group <>; Wakenya Google group <>; "" <>; Bunge La Mwanainchi. <>; progressive-kenyans <>; Friends of KCDN Group <>; Kenya Community <>; Association KenyansinRwanda <>; citizens against violence <>; Mars Group Kenya <>; mwananchi <>; MWANYAGETINGENETWORK <>; ramogi luo <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 10:45 AM
Subject: [PK] Reclaming Kibera from Waste and Filth.
Friends of A Clean Kenya,
See link below for photos and blog on the event of the 8th September 2012 as The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC joined Kounkuey Design Initiative and several youth groups in Kibera Laini Saba and Lindi areas to reclaim Kibera from waste.
The ground Breaking ceremony was held on 15th September 2012 to turn the waste dumps on the streams feeding Nairobi Dam into sanitation blocks, complete with small parks and stalls for selling recycled items.
The ground Breaking ceremony was held on 15th September 2012 to turn the waste dumps on the streams feeding Nairobi Dam into sanitation blocks, complete with small parks and stalls for selling recycled items.
This November, we will begin training youth groups involved in waste collection on turning waste, especially polythene and plastics into fencing poles, roofing tiles, cooking briquettes and handbags among other items. We target all waste collectors, among them these groups in Kibera with this training to ensure waste does not end up in our streams, rivers and neighborhoods.
The rate at which Kenyans are dying of cancers has everything to do with waste that ends up on our tables; vegetables in our markets and supermarkets grown in sewage waters,filth that ends up in our food because every corner and street is becoming a dump site, contaminated water sources, blocked drainage and sewer lines that spew their contents into our neighborhoods, playgrounds for children and literally all over our lives.
We must do something about this not any other time but now, a clean, safe and productive Kenya is possible by 1st June 2013 as we celebrate our Silver Jubilee.
We appreciate all our partners in this campaign who are turning waste into opportunities even as we tackle the waste menace in our lives.
We also appreciate all who have offered to support this initiative through enabling our logistics, administration, mobilization, awareness and now as we move forward, training and recycling.
We recognize The Public Service Transformation Department at The Office of The Prime Minister, A Better World-SOF-DI and Akiba Uhaki Foundation for supporting this trans-formative agenda.
We must deliver a better Kenya but above all, we must strive to deliver better public service to Kenyans.
Otieno Sungu,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC,
This November, we will begin training youth groups involved in waste collection on turning waste, especially polythene and plastics into fencing poles, roofing tiles, cooking briquettes and handbags among other items. We target all waste collectors, among them these groups in Kibera with this training to ensure waste does not end up in our streams, rivers and neighborhoods.
The rate at which Kenyans are dying of cancers has everything to do with waste that ends up on our tables; vegetables in our markets and supermarkets grown in sewage waters,filth that ends up in our food because every corner and street is becoming a dump site, contaminated water sources, blocked drainage and sewer lines that spew their contents into our neighborhoods, playgrounds for children and literally all over our lives.
We must do something about this not any other time but now, a clean, safe and productive Kenya is possible by 1st June 2013 as we celebrate our Silver Jubilee.
We appreciate all our partners in this campaign who are turning waste into opportunities even as we tackle the waste menace in our lives.
We also appreciate all who have offered to support this initiative through enabling our logistics, administration, mobilization, awareness and now as we move forward, training and recycling.
We recognize The Public Service Transformation Department at The Office of The Prime Minister, A Better World-SOF-DI and Akiba Uhaki Foundation for supporting this trans-formative agenda.
We must deliver a better Kenya but above all, we must strive to deliver better public service to Kenyans.
Otieno Sungu,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC,
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