FYI or Action for those who might be interested...
Twitter: @MBillegeya
Le Vendredi 6 mai 2016 3h04, UNA Tanzania <> a écrit :
VACANCY: UNA TANZANIA SECRETARY AND DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL VACANCIES AT THE UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF TANZANIA: SECRETARY GENERAL and DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL Issued by: Chairperson UNA Tanzania 1. INTRODUCTION The United Nations Association of Tanzania (aka UNA Tanzania) is registered since 1964, as a non-Governmental and non-profit Organization devoted entirely to supporting the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and to the promotion of public awareness and understanding of the activities of the United Nations and its agencies. Generally, our aim is to bring the United Nations closer to the people and the people closer to the United Nations. UNA Tanzania has been implementing institutional reforms since 2008 to make it a more relevant organization and improve impact. A new Executive Committee has been elected and seeks to steer the organization forward to implement its mandate. During this exciting time, UNA Tanzania is seeking qualified and motivated individuals to lead its team as the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the Association. The individuals will work together with a team of staff and the Executive Committee in delivering the vision and mission of the Association. An applicant should apply for only one of the two posts for consideration. 2. CALL FOR APPLICATION This is to inform the UNA Tanzania members that the Association plans to fill the posts of Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General as soon as possible. Candidates are therefore invited to submit their 1 page motivation letter and CV to UNA Tanzania through the following email: , with a copy to and latest by 25th May 2016. Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted for interview. 3. A. FUNCTIONS OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL: As part of the Officers of the Association the Secretary General shall have the following functions: - Shall be the head of the Secretariat.
- Shall be the Secretary to AGMs, Extraordinary General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
- Shall report to the Executive Committee on the activities of the Association at least once in every three months.
- Shall prepare the annual report of the Association and present it in the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Shall in consultation, with the Chairperson, convene the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Shall be one of the signatories to operate the Association's Bank Account(s)
- Shall prepare the annual calendar of events for the Association.
- Shall be responsible for the day to day running of the organization participating in planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating, controlling and operating the organizational functions as a whole in order to meet the objectives established by the Board of Directors.
- Will co-ordinate and oversee the implementation of all programs of the association
- Maintain close communication with program partners and donors
- Fundraise for operationalizing the strategic plan of the Association
- Develop new projects
3. B. FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL As part of the Officers of the Association the Deputy Secretary General shall have the following functions: - Assist the Secretary General on matters relating to representation
- Act as Secretary General in his/her absence
- Co-ordinate UNA Tanzania Branches
The appointment will be done commensurate to the UNA Constitution of 1964 as amended from time to time which gives the Board the powers to appoint the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General among UNA Membership. 4. CRITERIA FOR APPOINTMENT: The candidates seeking appointment for Secretary General or Deputy Secretary General should meet the following criteria: Willingness to work as volunteer (a very competitive package will be offered upon availability of funding) - Sound knowledge and experience on UN issues
- Sound knowledge on country's environment particularly on development policy issues.
- Non- partisan in his or her conduct in UNA and its work
- Excellent organizational skills and ability to manage change
- Excellent writing, oral and facilitation skills.
- Experience in financial and human resource management.
- Strong fundraising abilities.
- Gender awareness and sensitivity.
- Should preferably have been member of UNA for at least five years
- Absence of confirmed past criminal history;
- Have be a permanent residency in Tanzania;
- Possession of at least five years of work experience in a Management Position;
- Possess familiarity with the beliefs, norms, and values of the United Nations and civil society; and
- Willingness to volunteer\
- Proven track record in Project management
5. EDUCATION A University degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies or any related field from a recognized Higher learning institution. Post graduate will be an added advantage. 6. REMUNERATION: - Currently the positions are on voluntary basis, remuneration depends on the availability of projects.
- An attractive remuneration package will be offered upon availability of funds through the projects regularly implemented by UNA Tanzania.
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