[wanabidii] It’s tough to stop sex, study of $1.4 billion ‘abstinence promotion’ to slow HIV/AIDS in Africa shows (M&G Africa)

Tuesday, May 03, 2016
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Mail & Guardian Africa
African Truth
03 May 2016
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It's tough to stop sex, study of $1.4 billion 'abstinence promotion' to slow HIV/AIDS in Africa shows
It's tough to stop sex, study of $1.4 billion 'abstinence promotion' to slow HIV/AIDS in Africa shows
It didn't influence the number of sex partners people had, the age at which they started having sex, or teen pregnancy rates
Ivory Coast leader Outtara does something few have tried in Africa: opens power and water sectors to competition
Ivory Coast leader Outtara does something few have tried in Africa: opens power and water sectors to competition
"It's when we'll have several companies that the prices will go down because distribution is too expansive," Ouattara said
South Africa radical party draws huge crowd ahead of vote, as it attacks white privilege and ruling ANC
South Africa radical party draws huge crowd ahead of vote, as it attacks white privilege and ruling ANC
Party leader Malema promises to seize white-owned land without compensation and nationalise the banks
Ahead of Wednesday burial, DRC president Kabila gives 'rumba king' Papa Wemba posthumous top national honours
Ahead of Wednesday burial, DRC president Kabila gives 'rumba king' Papa Wemba posthumous top national honours
Flamboyant Papa Wemba collapsed on stage while performing at a festival in Ivory Coast on April 24. He died before reaching hospital
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