[wanabidii] New content updates

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

16/02/2016 - The African Development Bank, under the leadership of its African Natural Resources Center (ANRC), hosted a series of events at Mining Indaba 2016 in a concerted campaign to support African Governments in their efforts to attract sustainable and environmentally friendly investment. One of the world's largest mining conferences in the world, Mining Indaba took place from February 8-11 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Categories: South Africa, Human Capital Development, Economic & Financial Governance, Private Sector, Partnerships, African Natural Resources Center (ANRC), African Legal Support Facility, African Natural Resources Center (ANRC), African Legal Support Facility

16/02/2016 - The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Washington-based Environmental Law Institute (ELI) have produced a new report on natural resources management in fragile and conflict-affected countries. This flagship report examines how African countries in fragile situations can work towards addressing the causes and drivers of fragility by better managing natural resources across sectors.

Categories: Economic & Financial Governance, Partnerships, African Natural Resources Center (ANRC), Fragile States Facility, African Natural Resources Center (ANRC), Fragile States Facility

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