Men have grown blinder and blinder, and blinder by the day. They have grown blinder because they have strained their eyes, watching for a nation that cannot save. They call themselves watchmen on the wall but yet they are blind.
God is giving forth the call to all men to repent, and why is it so? That is because men have grown blind and they have grown dull, they have grown dumb by looking to nations that cannot save.
There is no nation at this time that can save men from eternity in hell, from the damnation of their souls. Nor is there any nation that can make things right when they are wrong.
The need and the call is for all men everywhere to repent. God is giving forth the call throughout the earth for REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and all who hear and obey and be guided in His way.
That is, they will be given the blessedness, the truth, the light, the strength that He offers each and every day.
When any man or woman will keep their vision upon Him, then their eyes do not grow dim. But when men are looking to nations, they are looking to their idols, they are looking to those things that cannot save, then of course their eyes grow dim and dim and dull and they cannot perceive at all.
Do not absolutely do not be looking to nations to remedy the calamities, the sorrows, the tragedies that are found on every hand. But be looking unto Him, the one true God who is able.
Be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION before Him. That is, abandoning casting off, and turning aside from those things that absolutely cannot save.
The nations are at this time full of all manner of wickedness and evil and there is no integrity to be found in them.
Therefore absolutely do not look to what it is that men will promise that they can do. They ate liars, deceivers and even have murder in their agenda against humankind.
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