[wanabidii] Protests against Shabak torture, College bonus for great high school grades, Compensation for Oslo - Dec. 21, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

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December 21, 2015 / 9 Tevet 5776
Reminder: Tomorrow is the fast of Asara B'Tevet
See the Video of the Day below for an explanation.


Headlines & Recommended

Thousands Blocking Entrance to Capital Protesting Shabak Torture of Jewish Youths
Police arrested six demonstrators and attacked Makor Rishon reporter Miri Tzahi. She was taken to hospital with a bloody face.
Police pepper spray a protester against Shabak torture in Jerusalem on Dec. 20, 2015.

Bennett's Bonus Incentive to Entice Students Into Higher Mathematics
Education Minister Naftali Bennett has launched a new initiative to persuade high school students to study higher mathematics in university.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett.

Shaked Pushes Compensation Bill for Owners of Land Transferred to PA under Oslo
The proposed law will view any area where control was transferred to the Palestinian Authority as land that was expropriated for public purposes, allowing the land holders to lay claim and receive compensation.
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked

MK Zoabi Charged with Insulting Public Servant for Cursing Cop
Zoabi humiliated the cops and told the crowd that "We should spit in their faces."
MK Hanin Zoabi

Female Arab Wannabe Terrorist Tries to Sneak Knife Through Checkpoint
An Arab female wannabe terrorist quickly gave up the mission and tried to run when her weapon was discovered. She is in custody.
IDF soldiers search vehicle at a checkpoint.

Israeli Arab Terror Cell Nabbed in Jerusalem
Police and Shabak have uncovered five members of an Israeli Arab terrorist cell in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud.
Arabs torched an Egged bus that accidentally entered the Ras Al-Amud neighborhood in Jerusalem.

13 Arab Terrorist Suspects Arrested, Terrorist Home 'Mapped Out'
It was a busy night in Judea and Samaria, with 13 Arab terrorist suspects captured in a joint operation by the IDF, Border Guard Police and Shabak.
IDF Nahal Brigade soldiers operating in Judea during summer 2014.

The Myth of the "Demographic Threat"
With the growth in Jewish birthrate and aliya, the Jews of Israel are NOT in demographic danger here
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surrounded by Israeli school children. The man who could be king.

Free Syrian Army Claims Killing of Hezbollah's Samir Kuntar – 'Not Israel'
The Free Syrian Army says its fighters assassinated Hezbollah commander Samir Kuntar, and that Israel was blamed to make fellow terrorists 'feel better.'
Released terrorist Samir Kuntar visiting in Iran.

Rocketfire Sends Northern Israelis Racing for Bomb Shelters
Three rockets landed in open areas in northern Israel after the Tzeva Adom incoming rocket alert sent Israelis racing for shelter.
Hezbollah rocket headed for Haifa in the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

David's Sling Air Defense System Passes Final Test
The final element in Israel's multi-layer air defense system has passed it last test and is ready for deployment.
Israeli multi-layer missile defense system includes David's Sling (Magic Wand), the Arrow and Iron Dome.

20 Combat Officers of Israel Defense Forces Urge An End of Funding to Organizations that Harm the IDF
An appeal to American Jews to stop funding organizations that harm Israel's Defense Forces
The emblem of the Israel Defence Force

New York Times' Tales of Israeli Messianic War-Mongering
NYT's Cohen fails 2 of Sharansky's "3 Ds" test for anti-Semitism: Demonization and Double- standards
NY Times

Sam Harris, the Jihad, and Common Sense
The rise of Jihad is directly connected to Islamic teachings: the Qur'an & the hadiths.

Likud Minister Silvan Shalom Quits Politics Over Abuse Allegations
The minister's bodyguard related two occasions when he noticed Shalom involved in misconduct, once with a ministry employee.
Minister Silvan Shalom

Emes Ve-Emunah: Outreach that Legitimizes Heterodoxy
Are there situations when Orthodox rabbis can interact with heterodox rabbis or enter their space?
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, R' David Lau

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