[wanabidii] New content updates

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

10/12/2015 - Le Conseil d'administration de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a approuvé, le mercredi 9 décembre à Abidjan, en faveur du Tchad, un don du Fonds africain de développement (FAD, guichet concessionnel) de 4,62 million de dollars des Etats Unis et un don du le fonds d'appui à la transition (FAT) de 13,72 millions de dollars. Le montant cumulé des financements de 18,34 million de dollars est destiné au projet d'appui aux réformes des finances publiques (PARFIP).

Categories: Chad, Economic & Financial Governance


10/12/2015 - As negotiations at the ongoing Paris climate conference (COP21) entered the ninth day, the African Ministerial Council on Environment (AMCEN) has expressed its sup-port for the push by the African Group of Negotiators for greater transparency in climate financing on the continent

Categories: COP21, Partnerships, Climate Change, Environment, President's Corner

10/12/2015 - Failure to include women in decision-making, lack of information on early warning signs on climate change and weak national meteorological centres have hampered communities' capacity for coping and adapting to climate change impacts.

Categories: France, COP21, Climate Change, Environment

10/12/2015 - African Environment Ministers, under the auspices of the African Ministerial Confer-ence on the Environment (AMCEN), have restated their resolve to collectively demand for a binding legal agreement from the ongoing UN climate conference in Paris (COP21).

Categories: Malawi, Uganda, COP21, Environment, Climate Change, Partnerships, President's Corner

10/12/2015 - The mushrooming of energy initiatives in Africa is a welcome development, but there is need for coordination of these initiatives to ensure their success, African Development Bank's (AfDB) Kurt Lonsway has said.

Categories: COP21, Environment, Climate Change, Partnerships, Infrastructure, NEPAD, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), NEPAD, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)

10/12/2015 - African governments have been urged to review their education curricula to have relevant skills and human capital development for green growth and climate adaptation and green jobs on the continent.

Categories: Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, COP21, Education, Environment, Climate Change, Youth, Employment, Partnerships, Human Capital Development, Information & Communication Technology

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