[wanabidii] Neutralizing Terrorists, Haaretz & Torture, It's a White House Chanukah, What do they have in common? - Dec. 7, 2015

Monday, December 07, 2015

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December 7, 2015 / 25 Kislev 5776
Happy Chanukah!


Headlines & Recommended

The Genocidal 72 Percent
A recent Research Center poll shows 72% of Arabs living in Yesha & Gaza favor the Stabbing Intifada
Palestinian Terror Montage

Update: Terror Attack Near Tomb of the Patriarchs
An Israeli was stabbed in the chest by an Arab terrorist in Hebron.

Update: Ramming-Stabbing Attack in Jerusalem [video]
Three people are being treated, following the terror attack.
Terror attack on Yirmiyahu Street

AG Weinstein: We'll Act Against Anyone Attacking a Neutralized Terrorist
The damage being inflicted on the terrorist is comparable to the damage the terrorist was about to cause.
Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein

Two Arrested for Temple Mount Prayers
One of the arrested men was praying for a sick person to get well.
Jew recites the

Ha'aretz: A Pressured Shabak May Use Torture to Extract Confessions in Duma Arson
The newspaper dedicated to turning Israel "as progressive as possible in the area of human rights" on Monday came close to endorsing torturing Jewish suspects.
Police escort into court a minor who is suspected of slashing the tires of an IDF Brigade in Yitzhar, in Samaria, April 2014

Comprehensive Survey of Israelis in Germany Finds They Are Secular, Educated Leftists
26.1% have a German citizenship; 54% live with a spouse who is a German national; and 54.4% have parents or grandparents who are Holocaust survivors.
Iranian-Israeli Rally in Berlin

Netanyahu Source: 'Kerry Is Replaced Soon, Let him Say What He Wants'
"Everyone is busy with a countdown to the election of a different US president."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

White House: Hanukkah Lights Flicker for Saving Syrian Refuges
Obama's Chief of Staff twisted Hanukkah into a holiday that is supposed to remind Jews of Muslim refugees, some of whom are proven terrorists.
National Menorah in Washington.

Obama Seeks to Reassure Frightened US With Recycled Pablum
Nothing new in Obama's speech intended to reassure jittery Americans frightened by terrorism.
U.S. President Barack Obama speaking from the Oval Office on Dec. 6, 2015.

Hillary Still Won't Condemn Islamic Radicals But Has No Such Qualms about the Jewish Ones [video]
She referred to radicals "across the nation" rather than use the J word, but it was clear which Abrahamic nation she was describing.
Hillary Clinton on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

Report: Terrorists Tried to Attack Israeli Gas Rig during War in Gaza
A security official told a Knesset committee the attack during Operation Protective Edge missed its objective of blowing up the rig.
Offshore drilling in the eastern Mediterranean.

IDF Bombs One Hamas Outpost in Response to Near-Murder of Soldiers
Gaza terrorists fired on Israeli soldiers at least two different times in the past three days.
Children learn how to shoot rifles to kill Jews.

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