[wanabidii] A day of terror attacks (& attempts), Religious Zionists & Duma, Danny Dayan - Dec. 27, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

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December 27, 2015 / 15 Tevet 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Netanyahu Says 'Don't Confuse Jewish Extremists with Religious Zionism'
The Prime Minister charged that anyone who tries to lump extremists with religious Zionists "does a very great injustice to a dear public that is loyal to the state."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Names of 47 Rabbis Supporting Shin Bet in 'Jewish Terror' Investigation
One of the most prominent signatories is former IDF Chef Rabbi and Yesha yeshiva leader Rabbi Ronzki. Names of dozens of Yesha rabbis do not appear.
Rabbis David Stav (L) and Shlomo Riskin.

An Open Letter to the Jewish Home and Nationalist Likud MKs
How can nationalist Knesset Members condone the horror of continued torture of the Duma suspects?
Member of Knesset Moshe Feiglin (Likud).

IDF Soldier Stabbed in Jerusalem Terror Attack
The attack happened near the Center-1 shopping mall on Hatzvi street in Jerusalem.
Captured terrorist in Jerusalem on HaTzi street. Dec. 27, 2015

2 IDF Soldiers Wounded in Terrorist Attack in Samaria
Two IDF soldiers are wounded in a terrorist attack near the Huwara checkpoint.
PA Arabs throwing stones at Israeli security forces near Huwara checkpoint.

Terror Attack Foiled in Old City of Jerusalem
Alert Jerusalem police foiled a terror attack on Sunday, disarming a suspicious-looking Arab teen.
Old City of Jerusalem.

Female Terrorist Stopped, Stone-Throwers Hurt Israeli Cop in Hebron
A female Arab terrorist tried to enter the Cave of the Patriarch with a knife, but failed.
Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.

Terror Attack Foiled Near Maale Shomron
A female Arab was disarmed after a knife was found during a search a checkpoint near Maale Shomron.
Terrorist is disarmed and handcuffed after attempting an attack near Maale Shomron.

Nasrallah Unleashes Barrage of Words and Threatens 'Israeli Rats'
The Hezbollah leader said it only is a matter of time before he orders an attack on Israel, but that "time" may be never.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

2 ISIS Terrorists Killed by Egyptian Security in Sinai
Two ISIS terrorists are dead and a third wounded by Egyptian security personnel in Sinai.
ISIS in Egypt, according to an image it posted on social media.

Enemy #1
Once any Jew could walk anywhere in the land and feel awe from our Arab neighbors. Today, no longer.
Map of Israel and Jordan

Europe on High Alert After Terror Warning by 'Friendly' Intelligence Service
Major cities in Europe are on high alert in response to a warning by a "friendly" intelligence service.
View of the Metro train in Paris, France.

AP's Sub-Laban Eviction Story Spotlights Journalistic Failure
The Sub-Labans NEVER owned the property but had "protected tenant" status which can be legally lost

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Enemy #1
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Shalom Pollack
Map of Israel and Jordan

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A View from the Jewish Quarter
Shoshana Selavan
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