[wanabidii] The Chanukah Edition, Terror in the UK, Confused in San Bernardino, Kerry's Back- Dec. 6, 2015

Sunday, December 06, 2015

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December 6, 2015 / 24 Kislev 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Chanukah Guide for the Perplexed, 2015
Fun Fact: The organizers of the Boston Tea Party were referred to as "the modern day Maccabees."
Jewish Holidays' Guide for the Perplexed by Yoram Ettinger

Queen Shlomtzion: In the Spirit of the Maccabees
The 10 year reign of Shlomtzion, one of only 2 women to rule over Judea, was peaceful & prosperous
Queen Shlomtzion

Yad Vashem Presents Online Exhibition: the Festival of Light during the Holocaust
These are the personal accounts of how the Jews of Europe celebrated the Festival of Lights before, during and after one of the darkest chapters in modern history.
Westerbork, Holland, Lighting the candles on the seventh night of Hanukkah

The great Jewish mistake was thinking the more we became like others, the more accepted we'd become
Menorah. South African Jewish Museum, Cape Town. Photo: Menachem Wecker.

Likud, Israeli Right, Rebuff Kerry on One-State 'Threat' [video]
The Israeli right is not nearly as afraid of a solution that would omit a Palestinian State.
John Kerry Speech at Brookings Institute Saban Forum 12/5/15

Kerry Furious at Abbas and Netanyahu for Denying Him Peace Process Prize [video]
Kerry blamed Abbas and Netanyahu for creating what he says a future of violence, but his real beef is that they did not adopt America's impossible "solution."
Secretary of State John Kerry.

Multiple Stabbings in London Underground Terror Attack [video]
3 people were stabbed by a man in an east London subway station.
A man shot and captured in London's subway after stabbing 3 people.

Prince Charles Visited Saudi Arabia but Snubbed Invitation to Israel
Netanyahu invited Prince Charles, who visited Saudi Arabia and Qatar in February, when they met at the Paris climate conference.
Prince Charles during a visit to Saudi Arabia last February.

Host Countries, Beware of Islamic Terrorism
By Europe's failing to read the bloody writing on the wall it has sacrificed its long-term security
Blank political map of Europe

Two Days After San Bernardino Obama's On TV Spewing Climate's Bigger Threat Than Terror
According to Obama, the world needs most to fear Global Climate Change, NOT Islamic terrorism.

Brazil May be Boycotting Settler as an Ambassador
If Brazil does not accept Dani Dayan as an ambassador, it could set a precedent that would block "settlers" from the post elsewhere in the world.
Dani Dayan, former Chairman of Judea and Samaria,. with map of YESHA in background

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