God Devastates And Terrorizes Nations Because They Will Not Repent!
Nov. 14, 2015 Message 10087 (REPENTANCE REVOLUTION)
I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is me the Living God who is bringing devastation, ruination, terrorization unto the nations that have forgotten me. I say that I am doing it because I am thoroughly disgusted with the pride of humankind. That is, men swell up in their arrogance, their conceit, their knowledge or so they assume and think they do not need me at all. Then I say they grow so proud, so defiant, so rebellious against me, they say that I am not existent in their lives. Not only am I not existent in their lives, so they declare but not existent at all. I say when you consider how much pride that takes to make that declaration, when it is me the Living God who has even given the breath of life unto humankind, I say you can see how utterly disgusting the nations have grown before me. That is, when men think through their confusion, their delusion, their madness that they can rule and reign and gain greater power than they presently have, know they are nothing but fools deceived by lying spirits.
For I say when the nations will grow so proud, so defiant, so rebellious, I say that it is me the Living God who will bring them down. I say that I will bring them to ruination, I will bring them to devastation, I will bring them to terrorization and I say they will Iive in fear day after day. I say they will be locked in the throes of fear, they will be locked in that which they deserve because of what it is that they have done towards me. For I say that it is me the Living God who can bring the nations down, bring them low till they have to admit that I am the I AM, and they are mere men who are devastated by their pride.
I say this day that I the Living God never called men to swell upon on pride, when I am the one who has given them mercy, when I am the one who has given them life. I say when men will assume that they are so great, so grand, so glorious, I say they are living in the delusion of the same. I say that I the Living God do not call men to live in delusions of grandeur, not at all. But I say that I call men to humble themselves, to bow down low and be subject to me.
I say when men will be subject to me, then I say that they can be guided forth. But I say when men will refuse the call to repent, refuse to return to me, and recognize me as the sovereign over all nations, then I say they are proven to be utter fools. I say they have forgotten that it is me the Living God who brings nations down, and raises nations up. They think by their own power, by their own proud works, by their own intellect, by their own superior military achievements, and so on they go. For I say they believe in delusion, they believe in lies, and I say that the same has taken them far from me. But I say that it is me the Living God who is giving the call throughout the earth for all men, all men every where to repent.
That is, to return to me, to be subject to me, to recognize me. I say if men will stubbornly, proudly resist and refuse that call, I say that it is me the Living God who is well able to bring down the nations. That is, I am able to bring them to ruination, devastation, terrorization and they will be locked in the same. I say that I the Living God am exceedingly disgusted with the state that men are in. I say that many of the nations who have known and recognized me in times past have forgotten me. I say that woe is the cup that comes to the nations that is the just retribution of those who have forgotten me. That is when the nations will grow so proud, so arrogant, so full of rebellion and hatred towards me that they literally proclaim that I am not, through their deeds of wickedness, I say that it is me the Living God who through my mercy gives them the call to repent.
But I say when they stubbornly, proudly defy that call, it is me the Living God who is able to bring them to naught. Therefore I say when you see the condition that nations are in and the same is growing worse by the day, know that it is because men are refusing repentance unto me. I say they are continuing in the flamboyance, the arrogance of their sin, thinking there is no tomorrow. But I say that it is me the Living God who will utterly devastate and bring to naught the nations that boast themselves against me.
I say this day when you see the shaking of nations, I say do not grow fearful over the same. But I say instead be faithful ever true unto me, coming forth in my way, and continuing each day in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, the humility way of my life. I say if you will walk in the way that I ordain, the way that is life, the way that is truth, then I say that you will be kept by me. Yes, you will be uplifted, directed, corrected, and given the hope, the strength, the truth of who I am. I say that I the Living God will be ever present to guide forth, to instruct and direct a people who will be trusting in me. But I say for the ones who are trusting in the deception of their own understanding they are trusting in lies. For I say that I the Living God never called men to live independent of me, but rather to live in submission unto me. That is ever thankful that they are guided forth in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am.
But I say because men grow proud and increased with goods and they think they have need of nothing I say they end in a heap of their own despair. I say they will end devastated because they have abused me. I say this day that I the Living God am continuing to call and to call to all men to repent. I say that it is me the Living God who can well devastate the nations and I say there is none that can stop my fury released. Even though men may glorify themselves and think they have the most elaborate schemes for their proclamations of power, I say that I the Living God can prove them to be utter fools. For I say that it is me who reigns supreme, and it is me the Living God who will demonstrate upon the nations who have forgotten me. I say this day be thankful to obey me, to walk circumspectly in me day by day. I say be thankful for the privilege of repentance that I have given unto you that you can indeed operate each day in the same. I say if you maintain the humility way of life and go forward in the same, then I say you are uplifted in me. I say yes you are given the truth, the strength, the mercy, the peace that I provide.
I say this day be thankful that it is me that you may look to, that it is me that you can believe in and trust. I say be thankful that I am the one who does guide you forth that you can indeed be uplifted and strengthened, guided each day by me. For I say that it is a privilege to believe me, to trust me, and obey me each and every day. I say that it is a privilege to be guided forth renewed, because it is me that you serve. I say this day that I the Living God do intend that you would walk in obedience unto me, that you would pursue the course of life that I have set before you day by day. I say that I do intend that you would be thankful that it is me you can look to, trust and obey. For I say if you will continue to trust, to believe, to hope in me then you are guided each day. Yes, you are given the strength to continue for I the Living God will give to you the same.
I say this day when I give to you the light, the truth, and the mercy, I say be coming forth ever rejoicing in me. That is, ever guided in that which I give, which is my truth, my strength, and my mercy day by day. I say that it is me the Living God who does find my joy in a people who will obey me and be thankful to be ruled by me. But I say when men through arrogance and vain conceit assume they have no need of me, that they can maintain without me at all, I say they are utter fools. For I say they realize not that it is me the Living God who can indeed bring them to nothing, flatten them, and reduce them to utter despair. I say that it is me the Living God who can leave men in fear, locked in the terrorization of the same. It is me the Living God who can cause the governments of men to be so corrupted, disruptive and disorderly that none finds peace under the same. It is me the Living God who can show of a surety that men are merely fools blinded, going to their own destruction.
Therefore I say this day when you see the calamity, when you see the overwhelming tragedy, when you see the darkness that is on every hand, remember this, that it is me the Living God who brings down nations. It is me the Living God who judges the nations according to how they have behaved towards me. I say when men have been exceedingly disrespectful, disobedient and hateful towards me, then I say that I will bring the same returned unto them. Yes, you will see the anguish, the suffering, the sorrow that comes to men who forget about me. I say this day do not forget about me, but I say continue in me, and live and declare REPENTANCE REVOLUTION each day. I say that it is only through repentance that men are brought forth in my way. I say that it is only trough repentance that men are given the newness of life, the strength, the truth, and the mercy of who I am.
I say when men will walk in humility before me, then I say they are given my light always. But I say when men are choosing to be abusing of the tenderness, the love, the care that I have for them, I say they go in a way that will prove to be desolation of soul. I say they go in a way that will take them to damnation, that will take them far from my way. I say this day that I the Living God do reach out in compassion and mercy even to rebels and hateful messengers and I call them to repent. But I say when they will adamantly reject that call, go on in their own determination to destroy themselves I say that I turn them over to the same. I say so it is with the nations that have grown so proud, so defiant, so rebellious against me, I say that it is me the Living God who can bring them down. I say you will see many nations that were that are no more. I say when I am through with judging the nations, bringing the nations down, I say there will be many who are broken, devastated, and ended in heaps of ruination.
I say that it is because they have forgotten me. I say this day do not forget me, but I say be in obedience unto me, walking in repentance each day. That is, ever respecting that it is me the Living God who is far above men. Ever respecting the fact that I desire you to be a repentant, an humbled people who will be subject to me. I say when you are indeed subject unto me then you are kept by me. But I say when you are rejecting my rule over you then I say that you end in a heap, you end in despair and damnation of soul. I say this day do not, absolutely do not reject my rule but I say be thankful for the same. I say be thankful for the call to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, that you can indeed be continuing to declare to all men their need to repent. Not only making the declaration but living out the same each and every day, and coming to understand that it is me you must please, that it is me you must follow after.
I say that it is me the Living God who is in control no matter what wise men who are vain in their own conceit may esteem that they own of. That is, when they think they can rule, when they think they own it all, when they think that they are in control, I say that it is me the Living God who will prove them to be mere men, and utter fools for I say that I bring them down. I say be thankful to continue in obedience, to continue in life, to continue in subjectivity unto me. I say be thankful that I purpose, direct, and guide you each and every day for yes indeed you are mine. I say this day be glad to look to me, to believe upon me, to trust each day in me. I say be thankful that I the Living God am the one who is guiding, directing and bringing you forth. I say be thankful that I the Living God am the one who is giving unto you newness of life. I say that it is me you are meant to please, to serve, to obey and follow after each day. It is me who is the life source, the truth, the strength, and the mercy given unto my own. Therefore I say serve each day in the attitude of gratitude, the humility way of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, the way of life.
Men take themselves to ruination by REFUSING REPENTANCE!
Message 10088 Nov. 14, 2015
I speak unto thee this day and I say that I the Living God do not call men to ruination, devastation, terrorization but I say that they take themselves there. That is, they take themselves in a way that is far from me, in a way that will prove to be damnation of their souls and I say that they are responsible for the same. I say that it is because they refuse the call to repentance, they refuse to be restored unto me, and walk uprightly in my way. Then I say they go in the way of the stubborn, the proud, the foolish and I say they bring ruination to themselves.
I say you are living in times when I the Living God am unleashing upon the nations ruination, devastation, terrorization and of course deep despair. I say that it is me the Living God who will cause men to live in the fear of the impending, to live in the fear of the unknown, to live in the fear of their neighbor why is it so? I say because men have blatantly, proudly refused to fear me, to walk uprightly in me, and be ever guided by me. I say that men have hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks against me, therefore I say that I bring them down.
I say this day be thankful that it is me you can look unto, believe in, and trust. I say be thankful that I guide you forth each day in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say be thankful that I call you to walk uprightly in me, as you continue trusting, believing, and looking to me. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way that is righteousness, the way that is truth, and the way that is mercy provided. Therefore I say be thankful for the privilege to receive of me, and be brought forth in the blessedness of who I am. I say be thankful that I am the one who will give you the truth, the light, day by day. I say if you will be coming forth ever submitted in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION unto me, then I say you are kept in the straight, the narrow way. But I say if you deviate, turn aside, and go a whoring then I say you are taken in the way of fools.
I say this day that I the Living God do not call my people to strut, to boast themselves in arrogance, and vain conceit. But I say that I call my people to humble themselves, to bow down low, and be submitted unto me. I say when people will be submitted, yielded over in obedience unto me, then I say they are guided forth by me. Yes, they are given the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am. I say this day that I the Living God never called you to walk in the weariness, the dreariness of your own understanding, not at all. But I say that I have called you to be made glad ever thankful that you are privileged to walk in obedience unto me. That is, to be uplifted, guided, directed, and corrected in my way, and to be given the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am. I say this day that I the Living God am at this time, giving forth the call throughout the earth for all men, all men to repent. That is, to turn from the wickedness of their own understanding, to return to me, and be found abiding in me.
But I say because men are full of defiance, full of pride, and full of vain conceit, they scoff the call to repent. I say that it is me the Living God who will turn them over to the powers of darkness till they will howl in despair daily over the agony of their lives. I say that it is me the Living God who is well able to return to men, what it is that they have done, what it is that they do against me. Therefore I say do not think it a strange thing when you see devastation, ruination, terrorization on every hand. I say do not think it a strange thing when you see men in the wallows of deep despair. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed bringing down the proud, the defiant, the arrogant who have raised themselves up against me. It is me the Living God who is bringing to naught the fools who strut and boast in their own vain conceit far from my way.
I say this day let it be me that you will look to, let it be me that you will believe in and trust. I say if you will continue in the way of my righteousness revealed, then I say that you can be uplifted in me. I say if you will continue in the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am, then I say you will be guided each day by me. I say when any man or woman continues in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION then they are subject to me. But I say when men and women will go in the way of their own proud understanding they are going in the way of fools. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to the way of fools, I do not call you to the way of defiance and pride, but I say that I say that I call you to my humility way. That is, to walk uprightly each day in me, ever being guided forth in my way.
I say that it is a good thing to receive the truth, the light, the mercy, the blessedness that I provide. I say that it is a good thing to be uplifted, directed, and ever guided forth by me. I say this day let it be me that you continue to look to, that you will continue to believe, to trust, and obey. Let it be me who will be proven to be the life source unto you, for I am well able to give you my life. I say when you look upon the humility way where in my life is contained, I say be thankful each day. That is, that you can be brought forth, uplifted, directed, and ever guided by me. I say this day that I the Living God do intend that my own people would walk in the light, would walk in the truth and be faithful unto me. But I say there are multitudes of those who claim that they are my people I say they have gone a whoring from me. That is, they have turned to the gods of the heathen, they have turned to the love of the world, and I say they wallow themselves in the same. Then I say they strut, they boast in vain conceit, claiming they are mine, but I say that their hearts are far from me. Yes, they are needy of repenting, they are needy of returning, and walking uprightly in me. I say this day that I the Living God do intend that you would be guided forth, that you would be ever thankful to be found abiding in me. I say that I do intend that you would continue to proclaim REPENTANCE REVOLUTION no matter how hard it appears that men are towards me.
I say when you will make the declaration of the call to repentance, then they are accountable for the same. I say if they reject, refuse, and have hatred for my call of compassion, then I say they are the ones who pay for the same. But I say when men and women will hear my call, obey the same, and come forth then I say they are uplifted in me. I say this day let it be me that you will continue to look to, that you will continue to believe, to trust, and obey. Let it be me who will be proven to be the life unto you time and again. I say if you will come forth uplifted, directed, and ever guided by me, then I say you are given the blessedness, the strength, and the mercy of who I am. But I say if you are rejecting the call of repentance in your own inward parts, I say you are behaving as a fool. I say this day that I the Living God never called you to live, to die, to perish as fools not at all. But I say that I have called you to be uplifted, brought forth, guided, and directed by me. I say that I have called you to be thankful to be ever purposed in the truth, the light, the blessedness that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who will provide you with the truth, the light, and the mercy each and every day.
I say this day let it be me the Living God that you continue to look to, to believe, to trust and obey. Let it be me the Living God who is indeed the one who gives you newness of life. I say if you will be accepting of my way, coming forth each day, guided by me, then I say you are given the strength to continue in the way. I say you are living in a time when I the Living God am the one who is bringing to the nations who have forgotten me, never ending woes. That is, they will know what it is to live in ruination, devastation, terrorization no matter how much they try to deny the same. For I say you are living in a land that has given itself over to denial of its true condition, and is living in falsehood, pretension and hypocrisy day after day. That is, you are living in the land that is covered by pride, covered by rebellion, covered by hatred for humility and repentance unto me.
I say you are not meant to take on the covering of the nations for I say that the same is retribution unto them. I say when men have hardened their hearts and stiffened their necks refusing my true way, to make up their own way, of course they will pay for the same. I say this day be thankful that I the Living God will uplift, direct, and guide forth any and all who will cleave unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who will guide a people who are ever willing to walk in my way. It is me the Living God who will direct, correct, and instruct the ones who will pay heed to me, each and every day. For I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the way of righteousness, truth, the way of mercy and light, and the way that is peace provided. I say this day in a wayward, a vile, a wicked generation let it be me that you will look unto and believe. Let it be me who will prove to be the life source unto you all of your days. I say if you are coming forth in that which I give you, then you are guided in life. I say if you are coming forth in the truth, the light, the mercy then I say you are strengthened by me.
I say that I the Living God will keep my covering over the ones who will obey and be kept in my way. But I say to the wayward, the lawless, the careless, who want their own way, there is nothing but woe awaiting them. I say that it is the time when I the Living God am bringing my retribution upon the nations because they have been so abusive towards me. That is, they have known my way, they have walked in my way, they have turned from the same. That is they have literally forgotten me as their maker, their God. They have taken up the gods that are not god at all. It is simply confusion, delusion and madness they will end them in a heap of ruination, devastation, and deep despair. I say when a man will follow darkness I say that he only increases in darkness. Likewise when a man will increase in the light that I provide, then he will increase in light. I say this day consider how lawless men are when they abandon themselves to darkness and the stupidity of the same.
I say consider what it is that men do to themselves because they go a whoring from me. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to go a whoring, but I say that I call you to walk uprightly each day in me. I say that I call you to be thankful that it is me you can look to and believe. I say that I call you to be thankful that you are guided forth each day in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way that is righteousness and truth, the way that is mercy, strength, and hope provided.
Therefore I say continue in the way that is life, rather than succumbing to the way that is death. I say this day do not live in the fear that is meant for the ungodly, the heathen, the wayward, who are walking afar off from me. But I say be ever living in submission unto me, ever thankful to be guided forth in my way. I say that it is a privilege to keep on loving, serving, and walking uprightly each day in me. I say that it is a privilege to be knowing that I am the one who guides you forth in the newness of life that I provide. I say this day you are not meant to be in allegiance with the world, with the ungodly, the unclean, but I say you are meant to keep your allegiance unto me. That is, you are meant to be ever faithful and true, being guided by me. You are not meant to be found amongst those who are guilty of whoredom, who are guilty of abomination, who are guilty of every kind of rebellion against me.
But I say you are meant to keep your vision single that is ever purposed in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say you are meant to be guided forth in that which I give which is the truth, the light, and the strength day by day. Therefore I say be faithful, be true, be steady to believe upon me, to trust me, and obey me for I am the one who gives unto you newness of life. I say if you are coming forth renewed each day in me then I say you are guided by me. Yes, you are given the truth, the light, the blessedness, the hope and the peace day by day. Yes you are directed in that which I give you which is the true way, the only way, the way of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. I say this day do not be afraid nor ashamed to call men to repent, but realize that is the only hope of life that they have. When men are found bound in the death of trespasses and sins, the only way they come out of the same is by repentance unto me. I say that it is indeed the life force that is given at this time of great death and despair on every hand. That is, that men can indeed repent and return to me. I say thank me and praise me for the privilege to daily repent, to walk uprightly and to be found abiding in me. For it is me the Living God who is your keeper.
The Lord Wants Us To Remember He Is In Control—Despite The Plots Of Wicked Men!
Message 10090 Nov. 15, 2015
I speak unto thee this day and I say be thankful for the privilege to be found abiding in me. That is, be thankful for the privilege to abide in the power of my presence, to come forth in the truth, the light, the strength of who I am and to be uplifted, directed, and guided by me. For I say when you truly consider how much mercy I give you, then I say rejoice each day in me. I say be made glad that I am the one who will uplift you, direct you, and instruct you in my way. I say that it is me the Living God who has intended that the ones who are mine would be found abiding in me. That is, abiding in the power of my presence, coming forth in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide ever made glad to be found in me.
I say when any man or woman is truly repentant and found in the humility way of abiding, then I say that I the Living God pay heed to them. I say I hear them when they cry, and they call unto me. But I say for the ones who are wayward and careless determined to do it their way, and walk afar off from me, I say they are magnified fools. For I say they are believing that they are in control, they may do as they please, when they please, and I say they are not pleasing me. I say when any man or woman will choose the way that I offer, the way that I provide, then I say they are guided forth by me. Yes, they are given the strength, the truth, the hope of who I am.
I say this day count it a privilege to look to me, to believe upon me, and trust me day by day. That is, it is a privilege to look to me the one who gives you newness of life. That is, I will give you the life, the strength, the power, the glory of who I am, each and every day. I say that I will guide you forth as you continue to keep your vision single unto me. I say this day in a wayward, a perverse, a vile generation consider how much trouble men bring to themselves. I say that it is the time when I the Living God am unleashing the woe unto the ones who have forgotten me. That includes the nations, includes the governments, that includes the establishments even religious, that once knew me yet have turned aside. I say they have gone a whoring, they have prostituted themselves to other gods, now let their gods answer them when they cry.
I say that it is me the Living God who is releasing upon them, the woe, the woe, the woe that is their justified cup. I say when men depart from me, when they go in any other way, know they are going in the way of fools. I say there is only one way that men can be uplifted, brought forth and guided and I say that it is through me. That is, by giving themselves over to the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide. I say this day that I the Living God do intend you to walk uprightly, I say that I do intend you to walk circumspectly before me. I say that it is indeed a good thing to keep on loving, to keep on serving, to keep on following after. I say that it is indeed a good thing to be knowing that the way that I have given is the way that is truth and light. The way that I have given is my mercy intended for those who are claiming they are mine. I say this day that I the Living God am able to change things in this world as no man can do. I say when men will think they are in control, I say they deceive themselves. I say that it is me the Living God who is far above men, it is me the Living God who is the ultimate and the endless power who does remain. I say that it is through me that men can be moved around as checkers on a board.
Therefore I say do not live in fear of any of the power schemes that men think they have devised and think that I am not in control. I say that the truth of it is that it is me the Living God who reigns supreme. I say that I simply use men as it pleases me or for wrath poured forth. I say that it is my hand which moves men forth in whatsoever way they go. Therefore I say be thankful for the privilege to keep on loving, to keep on serving, to keep on following me. I say be thankful that each and every day you are uplifted, guided, and directed in my way. I say be thankful that each and every day you are given the purpose, the truth, the light, the hope, and the mercy that I provide. For I say that it is me the Living God who is the one who is righteousness revealed. I say this day be glad that I give to you the light, the truth, and the mercy day by day. I say be glad that I bring you forth that you can indeed be thankful to walk in me. I say when you walk in me, you are found walking in truth. I say when you abide in me then I say you are found well pleasing.
I say that it is me the Living God who is continuing to call and to call, and to call throughout the earth for men every where to repent. I say that all are needy of repenting, of returning, of walking uprightly in me. I say they are needy of being guided forth in the truth, the light, the blessedness, that I provide. I say when men are truly repentant then I say they are uplifted, directed, and ever guided by me. But I say when men are found abiding in their own understanding, and the darkness of the same, then I say their hearts are far from me. I say this day that I the Living God do not call you to walk far from me, but I say that I call you to be uplifted in me. I say that I call you to be thankful that you can indeed be coming forth ever guided in my way. I say if you truly consider the infinite mercy, the loving kindness and the goodness of who I am that has been given to the sons of men then I say you will know that it is me the Living God who is able. Yes, it is me the Living God who is able to direct, correct, and guide forth the ones who believe upon me, trust in me, and walk in my way. I say that it is a privilege to be ever guided, directed, corrected, and instructed in me.
I say this day in a wayward, a perverse, a wicked generation, thank me and praise me, that you can indeed be found in me. That is, thank me and praise me that you can be coming forth in that which I give you which is my truth, my light, my mercy revealed. I say if you will be thankful for what it is that I give and stay in humility before me, ever abiding in the same through repentance, then I say you are kept each day. I say you do not need to live in the panic, the frantic, the alarm that comes because of the fear that is unleashed upon the sons of men. I say that fear is indeed my doing because men have refused to live, to abide in the fear of me.
I say this day there is no retribution that comes forth that I the Living God do not bring forth the same. I say that even that which the evil doers are so proud of, I say that I the Living God do vindicate my self through the same. But I say likewise when it comes the time for my mercy then I say that the evil doers are punished for the iniquity that they have brought forth. I say that retribution is in my hands and I do repay. I say this day be glad to continue to love, to serve, to obey me and be brought forth each day uplifted in me. I say be made glad to be a partaker of all that I give time and again. I say that it is me the Living God who is giving the light, the truth, and the mercy day by day. It is me the Living God who is directing, correcting, and instructing all to pay heed to me.
I say therefore this day be glad that you can come forth, that you can be uplifted, that you can be guided by me. I say be glad that through me so are you given the strength always. I say when men will turn to the arm of flesh, they turn to deceit. But I say when men are trusting, believing, and looking to me, then I say they are guided in my way. I say this day when I the Living God do give to you the truth, the light, and the mercy I say be coming forth in the same. I say be knowing that it is me you can look to, believe in and trust day by day. I say be knowing that it is me that you can follow after for I will give you newness of life. I say that it is me the Living God who is righteousness, truth, mercy, hope and peace provided for all who trust in me.
I say therefore let your faith, your confidence, be ever in me. Continue in the way of the steadfast, continue in the way of the upright, and I the Living God shall prevail. I say when you are continuing to look unto me, believe me, and obey me, then you are guided by me. That is, you are guided in the blessedness, the truth, the mercy and the hope that I provide. Yes, you are given the strength for I the Living God am ever present to give to you the same. I say this day in a weary, a worn, a vile, a corrupt generation consider that men are dying daily because of sin. That is, because they are continuing in sin, living in sin, and dying in sin. I say they are going to hell by the endless multitudes while the ones claiming to be mine do nothing at all, except seek for more of the gain of this life, rather than the gain of my Kingdom. I say when men store up treasure unto themselves I say they are storing up condemnation for the treasure is not found in men. I say they think the things of the world reflect my blessing upon them, it is not true.
For I say that the man or the woman who is truly blessed is the one who has treasure in me. That is the one who keeps their vision single, keeps on laboring for the furtherance of my Kingdom, the Kingdom that does remain. I say that it is my Kingdom that is eternal, the kingdoms of men come and go upon this earth. I say if men were to know the true chronicle of history they would see that I the Living God have disposed of endless nations. That is, nations that were in idolatry, nations that were in pride and all manner of abomination and rebellion against me. Therefore I say do not live in the fear of nations, for I say they come and they go. I say be ever respecting me, as the one true God whose power remains.
I say be thankful even now that you can be uplifted, brought forth, and guided in me the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end. I say when it is me that you will be looking unto, trusting and believing, then you are guided in life. But I say if you are looking to the transitory kingdoms of men, you are looking to lies. I say this day do not look to men, but look to me, for I am well able. I say in these days of darkness, and gloominess, intrigue, and all manner of schemes and controversy, I say remember this, it is me the Living God who is the high tower of strength and safety, that you may run into and be kept. I say you are not meant to be overly involved in the world and the vanity of the same. Nor are you meant to get your self overly worked up over what it is that they have plotted, they have schemed, they have dreamed remember that I am in control, far above the plots of the wicked, far above the devices of evil men, remember that I am in control.
I say when you look to me, believe upon me, then you will see that I am able. That is, it is me the Living God who surpasses all men, it is me the Living God who remains supreme. I say when I judge the nations, then I punish men for their violation of me, I say be thankful unto me. I say be ever respecting my authority because it is me the Living God who reigns supreme. I say this day be glad for the privilege to keep on serving, to keep on loving, to keep on following me. I say be thankful that through me you are given the truth, the light, and the mercy day by day. I say be thankful that through me you are directed, corrected, and shown the light upon the path for I the Living God do give to you the same.
I say that through me that you are given the hope, the peace, the strength, the safety day by day. I say be thankful to serve, to love, to obey me, and be brought forth in the blessedness, the truth, the light that I provide. Be thankful that it is me the Living God who reigns supreme, that it is me the Living God who is the Almighty power, that it is me the Living God who is the one you can trust all of your days. I say if you purpose yourself to be ever abiding in me, I say that I the Living God will be ever present to hear you when you cry. That is, I will be ever present to answer in mercy, to answer in light, to answer in truth. I say when any people continues in repentance, truly repentant then I say they are found ever abiding in me. I say to the ones who are ever abiding it is me the Living God who pours forth my mercy day by day. I say be thankful to live in, declare, and proclaim REPENTANCE REVOLUTION to a confused, a sin sick, a dying world.
That is, I will be ever present to answer in mercy, to answer in light, to answer in truth. I say when any people continues in repentance, truly repentant then I say they are found ever abiding in me. I say to the ones who are ever abiding it is me the Living God who pours forth my mercy day by day. I say be thankful to live in, declare, and proclaim REPENTANCE REVOLUTION to a confused, a sin sick, a dying world.
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