[wanabidii] Ban Ki-Moon skips Israel, Convictions in Abu Khdeir case, Peace Now Chief in Hannukah Peace video - Nov. 30. 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

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November 30, 2015 / 18 Kislev 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Terror around the World – Except in Israel [video]
The U.N. chief declared a moment of silence for terror victims on and then checked off the cities hit by terror - except for Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at Paris climate conference

Responding to Product Labeling Netanyahu Suspends Peace Process Negotiations with EU
Just as it had been predicted, the Palestinians are already suffering from the EU product labeling.
PM Binyamin Netanyahu with Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative

Israeli Court Convicts Jewish Murderers of Arab Teen Mohammed Abu Khdeir
Two minors are convicted in the murder of an Arab teen from Shuafat who was burned alive in the Jerusalem Forest in summer 2014.
Mohammed Abu Khdeir .

Peace Now Chief's Attempt to Close Religious-Secular Gap Ripped by Leftists [video]
When the Karov La'lev people said their criticism was directed at religious Israelis, one Facebook user was irate: "Did we watch the same film?"
The secular neighbors ogling their religious guests.

Document Reveals IDF Collaboration with B'Tselem in Investigating Soldiers
The Military Advocate General and B'Tselem have maintained "a productive dialogue with the common interest of enforcement in respect of complaints against IDF soldiers."
The B'Tselem organization caught in web of lies by their Palestinian confederates.

More Arab Media Incitement After Clashes in Jerusalem Neighborhood
IDF soldiers on patrol came under firebomb attack in a Jerusalem neighborhood from an Arab mob; their self-defense is a trigger for Arab media incitement.
View of the neighborhood of Ras al-Amud in the Shiloah (Silwan) section of Jerusalem. (file)

Terrorists Sentenced for Plotting to Kill Jews on Temple Mount, Police on Patrol
Three members of an Arab terrorist cell were sentenced to prison on Monday for plotting to kill Jews visiting the Temple Mount, and police patrolling Jerusalem.
Israeli Border Guard Police officers stand near the scene where a police vehicle was hit by a Molotov cocktail, causing it and two other cars to catch fire.

DM Ya'alon Says Israel is Prepared for Escalation in Terror Attacks
DM Moshe Ya'alon says the IDF is prepared for an escalation in the wave of terror attacks, which have not abated since October.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon addresses the Knesset Foreign Relations and Defense Committe.

Ya'alon Confirms: Russian Pilots Do Breach Israeli Airspace, But Are Not Shot Down
DM Moshe Ya'alon confirms that Russian fighter pilots do occasionally violate Israeli airspace flying in from Syria, they are not shot down.
Israeli F-16 fighter jet in action.

France Demands Details From IAEA On Iranian Nuclear Activities
France is demanding answers from the IAEA on Iran's past nuclear work on atomic weapons.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the UN

ISIS and Iran: A New Era Ignites in Israel, America and the World
ISIS and Iran are drawing closer in the operational ranks, and it may be only a matter of time before the two merge their forces for bigger "projects."
An ISIS Gaza rocket launcher.

After Surprise Visit to Jordan, Ben Carson Wants No Refugees in America
"These brave people want nothing more than an end to the war in Syria. They want to go back to their lives..."
Dr. Ben Carson with Syrian refugee baby

Ezra Schwartz and Trayvon Martin.
I'd love to quote Obama on Ezra Schwartz but there's nothing on record from the Pres on the incident

World Leaders Gather for 'COP-21 Paris 2015' Climate Change Conference
Some 150 world leaders gather in Paris to put the final touches on two weeks of talks at the COP-21 conference on global warming.
Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu and wife Sarah board the plane to head for Paris conference.

Palestinians: The Real Goal of the Intifada
The Palestinian terror campaign enters its 3rd month; What are the Palestinians trying to achieve?

Israeli Paramedic Reflects on Treating Wounded Syrians
IDF St. Sgt. "N" explained "all pain is universal" when asked how she communicated with Syrian patients.
Fire raging in Israel's Golan Heights, caused by four missiles fired from the Syrian side of the Israeli-Syrian border on August 20, 2015.

The "TV Dinner" Model of National Ethnic Non-Integration
In America, the immigrant experience is a blending of cultures, while distinctions are maintained.
Classic TV Dinner

Some Ultra-Orthodox Troubled by Bazooka's New Kosher Certification
One talkbacker said the kashrut certification is meaningless, because of the halachic concept of "minhag hamakom," the local practice. If it's been forbidden, it should stay so.
Bazooka Joe's hilarious soup

The Ambassador by Yehuda Avner (z"l) and Matt Rees
Jewish Press Online presents the prologue to The Ambassador (Toby Press) by Yehuda Avner & Matt Rees
The Ambassador by Yehuda Avner (z

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