[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Latest committee inquiries

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13-10-2015 02:00 PM BST

The Home Affairs Committee will hear an update on the investigation into the late Lord Leon Brittan

Votes and Proceedings

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13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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Health Committee: latest update

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Home Affairs Committee: latest update

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13-10-2015 02:00 PM BST

The Home Affairs Committee will hear an update on the investigation into the late Lord Leon Brittan
13-10-2015 12:52 PM BST

Evidence session on Wednesday 21 October

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Built Environment Committee: latest update

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13-10-2015 05:17 PM BST

Select Committee on National Policy for the Built Environment takes evidence on Thursday 15 October at 10.10am

Constitution Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to Constitution Committee (House of Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament.

13-10-2015 06:15 PM BST

Lords Constitution Committee takes evidence at 10.30am on Wednesday 14 October

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The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for MONTH YYYY is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

Latest news from the House of Commons

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14-10-2015 10:00 AM BST

MPs to debate motion to approve
14-10-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 noon

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Latest news from Parliament

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14-10-2015 10:00 AM BST

MPs to debate motion to approve
14-10-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 noon
13-10-2015 10:37 AM BST

Lords Appointments Commission publishes list of new peers

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

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14-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Latest Early Day Motions

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13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 517
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 516
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 515
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 514
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 513
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 512
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 511
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 510
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 509
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 508
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 507
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 506
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 505
13-10-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 504

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The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for May 2015 is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: latest update

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08-10-2015 01:01 AM BST

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry into the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

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United Kingdom Parliament Transport Committee Homepage Update

You are subscribed to the Transport Committee Homepage email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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United Kingdom Parliament Scottish Affairs Committee Homepage Update

You are subscribed to the Scottish Affairs Committee Homepage email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

14-10-2015 11:00 AM BST

Scottish Affairs Committee holds a session in Dundee on 19 October 2015

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Latest committee inquiries

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08-10-2015 01:01 AM BST

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry into the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Latest news from Parliament

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14-10-2015 12:17 PM BST

Submit your views to Public Bill Committee considering the Bill
14-10-2015 11:40 AM BST

MPs debate second reading of the Bill on 14 October 2015
14-10-2015 11:00 AM BST

Lords Constitution Committee takes evidence at 10.30am on Wednesday 14 October
14-10-2015 10:40 AM BST

Transport Committee one-off evidence session to examine effectiveness of Operation Stack

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.

Mr David Gauke - HM Treasury

An exchange of letters signed in London on 22 September 2015 and in St Helier on 1 October 2015, amends the 1952 Double Taxation Arrangement with Jersey. The texts of the letters have been deposited in the Libraries of both Houses and made available on the GOV.UK website. The texts will be scheduled to a draft Order in Council and laid before the House of Commons in due course.

Mr David Gauke - HM Treasury

An exchange of letters signed in London on 22 September 2015 and in St Peter Port on 7 October 2015, amends the 1952 Double Taxation Arrangement with Guernsey. The texts of the letters have been deposited in the Libraries of both Houses and made available on the GOV.UK website. The texts will be scheduled to a draft Order in Council and laid before the House of Commons in due course.


High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Education Service update

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Black History Month resources

Black History Month - video & resources 

As part of Black History Month, take a look at our new range of video resources for schools, to help pupils explore diversity, democracy and the changing nature of representation in the UK. 

Gunpowder plot resources

Gunpowder Plot teaching resources

In the run up to 5 November, check out our selection of Guy Fawkes lesson plans and resources to share the exciting story of the Gunpowder Plot with your students.

select committee

Select Committee Experience for 16-18 year olds

If you teach 16-18 year old government and politics students and are interested in a visit to Parliament with a focus on select committees, find out more about the Select Committee Experience tour and workshop. Online applications open on Monday 19 October and close on Friday 6 November.

Teacher Seminar Days

Teacher training days

Book now on to one of our free autumn term CPD days in Westminster:

- 20 October for A Level teachers, with a focus on 'English Votes for English Laws'

- 27 October for primary and secondary trainee teachers
- 8 December for primary and secondary teachers of Citizenship, History and other related subjects.

Find out more and download the booking form.

2015 Flag Project

Design your school's flag for the 2015 Flag Exhibition

Have your students designed a flag to represent their local area or community? Add your school's contribution to the digital exhibition and help build a shared picture of the UK for 2015 created by young people. A free video and PDF flag-making toolkits are available to support schools.


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Free teaching resources

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Teacher training

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Visit with your school

Prime Minister's Questions

Watch the latest Prime Minister's Questions 

14-10-2015 09:00 AM BST

Watch today's PMQs live from the Commons from 12 noon

Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

You are subscribed to Commons Briefing Papers for the United Kingdom Parliament

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
What makes faith schools different? FAQs and key statistics

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
This paper contains labour market figures for parliamentary constituencies, as well as a summary of the latest national and regional statistics.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
This Commons Library briefing provides information on the main provisions of the Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill 2015-16 and on the development of previous legislation on medical innovation (the Bill builds upon provisions in Lord Saatchi's Medical Innovation Bill 2014-15).

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
A list of known free, or un-whipped, votes in the House of Commons since 1997

The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for MONTH YYYY is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

Read the latest Library notes from the House of Lords Library

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
This Library Note provides an overview of developments around citizens' political engagement and participation through the internet. It has been written in light of the 2015 'Open Up' report by the Speaker's Commission on Digital Democracy, which set five key targets for the House of Commons and made a number of recommendations to the administration and MPs in how to meet them. Reference to the report and its recommendations are referred to within.


Read the latest Committee news

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14-10-2015 01:20 PM BST

The Enviromental Audit committee takes evidence on 14 and 15 October 2015
14-10-2015 12:17 PM BST

Submit your views to Public Bill Committee considering the Bill
14-10-2015 11:00 AM BST

Lords Constitution Committee takes evidence at 10.30am on Wednesday 14 October
14-10-2015 10:40 AM BST

Transport Committee one-off evidence session to examine effectiveness of Operation Stack
29-09-2015 12:54 PM BST

Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee takes evidence on Thursday 15 October

Latest news from the House of Commons

You are subscribed to the latest news from the House of Commons

14-10-2015 01:20 PM BST

The Enviromental Audit committee takes evidence on 14 and 15 October 2015
14-10-2015 11:40 AM BST

MPs debate second reading of the Bill on 14 October 2015
14-10-2015 10:40 AM BST

Transport Committee one-off evidence session to examine effectiveness of Operation Stack

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Parliament on Twitter

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United Kingdom Parliament Science and Technology Committee (Commons) Homepage Update

You are subscribed to the Science and Technology Committee (Commons) Homepage email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

14-10-2015 03:45 PM BST

The Science and Technology Committee holds its first evidence session on Science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola.

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United Kingdom Parliament Transport Committee Homepage Update

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

You are subscribed to the email alert for the House of Lords on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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Latest news from Parliament

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14-10-2015 03:46 PM BST

Backbench debate on the availability of cancer drugs on Tuesday 20 October
14-10-2015 01:20 PM BST

The Enviromental Audit committee takes evidence on 14 and 15 October 2015
14-10-2015 11:31 AM BST

Peers consider government paper 'A new strategy for sport'

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

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