[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Thursday, August 13, 2015
Standing Orders (Private Bills) Committee Homepage: latest update

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Administration and Works Committee (Lords): latest update

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The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for MONTH YYYY is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for March 2015 is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

Administration and Works Committee (Lords): latest update

You are subscribed to Administration and Works Committee (Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament. 


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Latest news from Parliament

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30-07-2015 12:58 PM BST

Health Committee invites written submissions on the challenges affecting primary care services in England
29-07-2015 02:23 PM BST

Communities and Local Government Committee launches inquiry into extension of Right to Buy to housing associations

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

The United Kingdom Parliament allowances and expenses claims update

You subscribed to receive alerts on when information on claims for financial support by members of the House of Lords is updated.

This is to notify you that information on members' claims for financial support for MONTH YYYY is now available at www.parliament.uk/lords-expenses

Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

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12 August 2015
This note sets out the rules in England and Wales governing the retention and disclosure of conviction and non-conviction information held on the Police National Computer and the Police National Database.

11 August 2015
The UK's political party system is at a time of considerable change. Membership of the three main political parties is near a historic low: 1% of the UK electorate is now a member of the Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrat Party. Yet membership of smaller parties has risen markedly. This note analyses the size and social characteristics of political party memberships.

Read the latest Committee news

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30-07-2015 12:58 PM BST

Health Committee invites written submissions on the challenges affecting primary care services in England
29-07-2015 02:23 PM BST

Communities and Local Government Committee launches inquiry into extension of Right to Buy to housing associations

Latest news from the House of Commons

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30-07-2015 12:58 PM BST

Health Committee invites written submissions on the challenges affecting primary care services in England
29-07-2015 02:23 PM BST

Communities and Local Government Committee launches inquiry into extension of Right to Buy to housing associations

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

European Scrutiny Committee: latest update

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24-03-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Letters written to the Chair of the Committee from Government Departments

Parliament on Twitter

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Administration and Works Committee (Lords): latest update

You are subscribed to Administration and Works Committee (Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament. 


The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

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