[wanabidii] Reform movement won't back Obama's Iran deal, Iran to self-inspect, Uri Ariel on Administrative Detentions - Aug. 20, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015

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August 20, 2015 / 5 Elul 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Reform Movement Won't Back Nuclear Iran Deal
There was no unity of opinion on the Nuclear Iran Deal amongst Reform leadership or membership.
Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president, Union for Reform Judaism

IAEA Appoints Iran to Inspect Parchin Site
Iran will decide which images are "safe" enough to pass to UN inspectors, and which are "off-limits because they have military significance."
IAEA inspector measures a fuel assembly, Kudankulm, India.

Minister Uri Ariel: Keep Administrative Detention for 'Time Bombs'
Minister Uri Ariel says the use of administrative detention should be restricted to cases of "ticking time bombs."
National Union MK Uri Ariel

UN, EU Argue Over Demolitions of Illegal Arab Structures
The international community is using Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin as the proxies in the latest struggle to steal land from Israel.
The Palestinian Authority backed by EU funds, has sent Bedouin into the E-1 area of Ma'aleh Adumim to claim it is part of their

Iron Dome Anti-Missile Battery Deployed in Ashdod
The Iron Dome anti-missile defense system has been deployed in Ashdod – again.
An Israeli soldier standing next to a launcher, part of the

Israeli-Style Security Measures Launched at US Theater Chains
At least two US movie theater chains have begun to use Israeli-style security to keep their guests safe.
An undated handout photo released by the University of Colorado shows James Holmes, reportedly the shooter at a theater in Aurora, Colorado.

Lessons Of The Leo Frank Lynching, 100 Years Later
Although Frank's the only US Jew lynched by a mob,the act has a profound&lasting impact on US Jewry
Leo Frank

Why Israel Will Never Be Defeated‏
So long as Jews dance for the sheer pleasure of thanking God, Israel will never be defeated!

What's Morally Right? How Liberals and Conservatives Differ
Without God, there are no moral truths, only moral opinions. Right & wrong are only subjective terms
Dennis Prager

'Ptil Tekhelet' Renews Monthly Tallit Raffle for Engaged Couples
Engaged Jewish couples can enter to win a prayer shawl tied with the ancient "ptil tekhelet" blue woolen thread.

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