[wanabidii] Press Releases: Assistant Secretary Daniel Russel Travels to Burma, China, and Mongolia

Monday, August 31, 2015

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08/31/2015 04:20 PM EDT

Assistant Secretary Daniel Russel Travels to Burma, China, and Mongolia

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 31, 2015

From September 3-5, Assistant Secretary Russel will travel to Naypyidaw and Rangoon, Burma to meet with senior Burmese government officials, Aung San Suu Kyi, and civil society. While there, he will discuss preparations for the general elections that will be held on November 8, express U.S. support for the ongoing peace process, and encourage further progress on human rights issues.

Assistant Secretary Russel will be in Beijing from September 6-8. In Beijing, the Assistant Secretary will meet senior Chinese officials to discuss a range of issues of importance to the bilateral relationship.

From September 8-9 Assistant Secretary Russel will travel to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for annual bilateral consultations. During his trip, the Assistant Secretary will meet with senior officials in order to strengthen our close partnership, and to congratulate Mongolia on its 25th anniversary of democracy.

For updates, follow the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs (EAP) on Twitter, at @USAsiaPacific.

For more information about EAP, please visit our website: http://www.state.gov/p/eap/.

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