[wanabidii] Israel foils Hamas coup against PA, Neo-Nazis in Borough Park, ISIS overruns Egyptian army, Flotilla video - July 1, 2015

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

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July 1, 2015 / 14 Tammuz 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Shin Bet Foils Nascent Hamas Coup in Palestinian Authority Territories
Shin Bet foils attempt by Hamas to overthrow Palestinian Authority government in Judea & Samaria.
Future guard? Arab child with Hamas headband aims toy rifle on the Temple Mount after prayers in the Al Aqsa mosque.

ISIS Vows to Conquer Gaza, Israel & Palestinian Authority
ISIS proclaims its next goal is to conquer Gaza, Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
An ISIS/Gaza rocket launcher.

Video from IDF Take Over of #FreedomFlotilla [video]
One of the anti-Israel activists got tasered as the IDF's Shayetet 13 took over the boat on its way to Hamas-controlled Gaza.
IDF confronts MK Basel Ghattas on the Marianne of Gothenburg.

ISIS Attacks Kill 64 Egyptian Soldiers in Sinai, 42 in El Arish
Some 70 Egyptian soldiers have been killed simultaneously in a multi-prong attack in Sinai.
Egyptian tanks deployed in the Sinai Peninsula.

Neo-Nazis Vandalize Borough Park Talmud Torah
Neo-Nazis vandalized a Talmud Torah in Boro Park, Brooklyn this week.
A Talmud Torah in the Israeli community of Bat Ayin (file)

Obama Won't Enforce Anti-BDS Provision Language in Trade Bill he just Signed
The President announced he will ignore the letter of the law he just signed because it protects Judea and Samaria.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Obama Vows to 'Walk Away' From Bad Iranian Nuclear Deal
US Pres. Barack Obama said Tuesday he'll "walk away" from a bad deal with Iran. So far, he hasn't.
President Barack Obama

Pro-Israel Group: Tell Chuck Schumer Not to Cave [video]
Remind Sen. Chuck Schumer that he said any deal with Iran must include "anywhere, anytime" inspections.
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Iran: 35 Years Triumphant in the Middle East Nuclear Arms Race
Now oil independent, US no longer needs its former strategic alliances with Gulf States-or Israel
US President Barack Obama speaks on the negotiations with Iran.

The Right To Play Soccer
Rather than asserting Jewish rights on Temple Mount or protecting Jewish lives Israel chooses soccer
Bibi Scores points on Soccer Field NOT Temple Mount

2,000 Year Old Mikvah Found Beneath Jerusalem Living Room
An ancient mikvah is discovered beneath a Jerusalem living room.
The concealed wooden doors opened to reveal stairs leading to an ancient mivkah. The mikvah is a Jewish ritual pool that has been used for thousands of years -- to this day -- for various purification purposes.

Mahmood Abbas: Bad for J Street
Nothing in the NEW Paris Proposal differs much from what was offered by Olmert and rejected by Abbas
Mahmoud Abbas trying to see if he has supporters on the UN Security Council.

Stand With Israel Today at the UN (and Around the World)‏
It's time to stand up against the bias & no longer accept the constant UN prejudice against Israel.
Rethink UN bias against Israel

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