[wanabidii] UN Law Breakers, Orange's Egyptian History, The Youngest Admor, Jerusalem Light Festival - June 5, 2015

Friday, June 05, 2015

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June 5, 2015 / 18 Sivan 5775
Shabbat Shalom!


Headlines & Recommended

UN Soldiers Break Laws, Repeatedly Park in Handicapped Parking Zones
UN soldiers stationed in Katzrin don't care what laws they break or who they inconvenience.
UN soldiers park their vans in handicapped parking spots in the town of Katzrin.

Orange Telecom's Troubled Egyptian History
What better way to rebuild burned bridges than to capitalize on Egyptian anti-Semitism.
Tahrir Square

IDF Education Unit Battling IDF Rabbinate — and Winning
A First: IDF Education Chief Replaces Rabbi at Kotel Swearing-In Ceremony.
Golani soldiers visiting the Kotel and blowing a Shofar. (Archive 2008)

Cyber Attack Strikes More US Govt Offices , 4 Million Affected
Cyber terrorists have struck again, this time hacking into two major US government departments, affecting 4 million workers.
A hacker wearing a mask sits at a computer in Jerusalem. (file)

Netanyahu Calls on France to Denounce BDS, 'Miserable Actions" by Orange Group
PM Netanyahu calls on France to denounce the "miserable actions" of Orange Group and BDS groups.
Photo of Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu with Western peace-making world leaders at Paris anti-terror march; French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are seen at right.

Swastika on the F Train
Anti-Semitic vandals in NYC scratch an F train with a swastika on Tuesday, leading to commuter delays.
NYC subway map of the F train line.

Rock-Throwers Are Violent Criminals
US Border Patrol "considers rock-throwing to be deadly force...sometimes demands same in response"
Palestinian rock throwers.

US Love for Israel Expressed in Concert for Israel in Central Park
Despite the torrential rains, this year's Israel Day Concert in Central Park was a huge success.
Gov. Mike Huckabee (2nd from Right) was the guest speaker at the Central Park Concert for Israel Sunday night. Huckabee is flanked by Shloime Dachs, Musical Director at right, and (L-R)  Zvika Bornstein, Musical Producer; Dr. Joseph Frager, Concert Organizer and Dr. Paul Brody, Concert Chairperson.

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