[wanabidii] The Syria & Druze Edition, Fighting the NGOs - June 23, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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June 23, 2015 / 6 Tammuz 5775



Headlines & Recommended

US Policy: Passports of Americans Born on Israeli Golan Heights List 'Syria'
"Birth in the Golan Heights: The birthplace that would appear on passports whose bearers were born in the Golan Heights is SYRIA."
US Palestine Passport.

Druze Mob Attacks IDF Ambulance, Kills Syrian Wounded
The IDF ambulance was transporting 2 wounded Syrian to an Israeli hospital.
A pro-Assad protest by Druze in Majdal Shams on the Golan Heights. (Archive: 2012)

Syrian Regime Encourages Israeli Druze Lynch of IDF Ambulance
Syrian state media was filled with praise for Israeli Druze who lynched an IDF ambulance bearing Syrian wounded.
This Israeli ambulance was attacked by Galilee Druze near Majdal Shams in the Israeli Golan Heights as it headed to a local hospital carrying Syrian wounded.

Netanyahu Calls on Druze Leaders to 'Calm the Mood'
PM Netanyahu vows to bring "to justice" Israeli Druze who lynched an IDF ambulance carrying Syrian wounded.
The scene where Israeli Druze attacked an IDF ambulance bearing Syrian rebel wounded to a local hospital near Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

Ya'alon Condemns Druze Lynch of Israeli Ambulance Carrying Syrian Wounded
DM Moshe Ya'alon condemns Israeli Druze lynch of ambulance bearing Syrian wounded.
This Israeli ambulance was attacked by Galilee Druze near Majdal Shams in the Israeli Golan Heights as it headed to a local hospital carrying Syrian wounded.

Israeli Druze Leadership Condemns Lynch of IDF Ambulance
Israel's Druze leadership speaks out to condemn lynch attack on IDF ambulance bearing Syrian wounded.
A Druze man an crosses into Israel from Syria. (Archive: 2010)

Uri Ariel Cancels National Service Volunteers for Leftwing NGOs
The UN's Schabes report against Israel relied heavily on reports and testimony from leftwing Israeli NGOs.
Uri Ariel on the Temple Mount.

MK Proposes Israeli Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) for NGOs
Proposed law will place a 37% tax on NGOs who work for foreign governments.
MK Yinon Magal

How Michael Oren's Book May Tilt the 2016 Election
The impact of ALLY on Hillary's campaign may be huge. She can't win without both Jewish money&votes
Hillary Rodham Clinton

British Teens Accused of Holocaust Theft at Auschwitz
Two UK teen boys are accused of stealing Holocaust artifacts at Auschwitz.
Jewish youth from all over the world participating in the March of the Living walk the tracks at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp site in Poland. (illustrative)

Israeli, Turkish Officials Meet Secretly to Mend Broken Ties
Senior Turkish and Israeli officials meet quietly in Italy to begin trying to mend their broken ties.
Turkey's Jewish weekly newspaper, the Salom Gazete.

Obama's Friendly Pass to Turkey's Erdogan
The White House treats Bibi to condemnation & threats, yet showers racist Turkey with benign neglect
Turkish PM Erdogan with US President Barack Obama

They Attacked My Son's School…
Arabs climbed onto the yeshiva fence and..God, they shot..firecrackers into the yard starting a fire
A Soldier's Mother

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