[wanabidii] Khamenei’s Cancer, Responding to Jerusalem ruling, Coexistence in Efrat, Darwin Awards - June 15, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

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June 15, 2015 / 28 Sivan 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Hamas War Crimes Revealed in New Report
Hamas put weapons in schools, snipers in mosques and started battles in civilian areas, a new report confirms.
Celebrating victory in Shijaiyah... or else.

Khamenei's Cancer May Kill Iran Deal
Rumors are flying that Khamenei's days are numbered. Hard-liners are outdoing each other to ditch a deal on its nuclear program.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei

Netanyahu Charges UN with Copying Nazi Slander of Jews [video]
The Prime Minister told the Polish Foreign Minister, "Attacks on the Jews were always preceded by the slander of the Jews."
Prime Minister Netanyahu speaks to Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna.

Israel Has 80 Nuclear Warheads, Says Swiss Research Unit
The stockpile is less than half the number usually estimated. Pakistan has 100-120, and North Korea 6-8.
Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and north Korean nuclear test.

Supreme Court Ruling on Jerusalem 'Very, Very Wrong'
Pro-Israel lawmakers are calling on US Pres. Obama to use his powers to reverse a Supreme Court ruling on Jerusalem.
President Barack Obama

Leftist Actor Calls Likud 'Herd of Cud-Munching Cattle'
Leftists, whose free speech may have cost Labor the election, once again shoot themselves in the mouth.
Actor Oded Kotler and his Likud herd of cattle.

Liberal Orthodoxy's Homosexual Dilemma
In Tel Aviv, homosexuality is not only tolerated, but celebrated lavishly & flamboyantly each year.
israel and gay flags

Don't Slander the Land!
Joshua & Caleb's report was filled with faith & optimism; report of the 10 was poisoned by cynicism

Advice for India and Israel: DON'T Use America As An Example!
Both India and Israel are guilty of focusing on short term interests rather than long range goals
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meet in NY late Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014, ahead of Netanyahu's speech at UN General Assembly set for the next day.

And My Nomination for this Year's Darwin Awards Is…
The story likely to be reported will assign all the blame to Israel and none to the Palestinians.
Overturned IDF vehicle killed Arab firebomber Sunday morning.

Israel's Children Singing Away Fears of 'Red Alerts,' Rocket Attacks
Israel's children are again being taught how to deal with their fears from rocket alerts, by song.
Rocket Gazing - Watching an Iron Dome intercept in Tel Aviv.

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