[wanabidii] Z-Street vs. IRS, Battle of Qalamoun, IDF Officer/Rabbi Attacked. Coalition Deal Signed - May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 07, 2015

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May 7, 2015 / 18 Iyyar 5775



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IRS Pummeled by Court for Suggesting OK to Discriminate Against Pro-Israel Group
The Court queried: 'Is it really the government's position that the IRS can discriminate against its citizens?'
Z STREET, a pro-Israel group, brought a lawsuit against the IRS for viewpoint discrimination

Netanyahu and Bennett Sign on the Dotted Line
Bayit Yehudi will bear full responsibility for settlements. Herzog insists he will remain in the Opposition.
Naftali Bennett, chairman of the Jewish Home party, and Knesset Member Moti Yogev looking at

Dozens Killed in Strategic Syrian Qalamoun Battles
The area, along the Syrian-Lebanon border is strategically critical. It controls the Lebanon-Damascus supply pipelines and is how Hezbollah supports Bashar Assad's regime in Damascus.
The Qalamoun Mountain Battles

Jews Move into Former Yemenite Synagogue in Silwan Valley
The building is one of many where the British Mandate evicted Jews and let Arabs take over.
Israeli soldiers and security personnel protect Jews in Silwan Valley.

North Korea Will Nuke US If It 'Forces Our Hand'
Official tell CNN North Korea has capacity to reach American soil. U.S. bases in S. Korea in danger.
Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and north Korean nuclear test.

Update: Iran Says It Has Freed Maersk Ship
Maersk is to pay a fine, putting an end to another US-Iranian mini-crisis.
Iran says Maersk ship to be freed in two days.

PA Negotiator Erekat Says New Coalition Wants to 'Kill'
He says the government will "work against peace and stability," meaning it won't adopt the Obama agenda.
PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat with US Secy of State John Kerry in Ramallah in January 2014. (archive photo)

Why Is Pakistan More Legitimate Than Israel?
Pakistan's creation caused a huge number of refugees & deaths; Why isn't IT'S legitimacy questioned?
Dennis Prager

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