[wanabidii] Bibi's Revenge, UK Labor gets clobbered, V-E Day - May 8, 2015

Friday, May 08, 2015

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May 8, 2015 / 19 Iyyar 5775
Shabbat Shalom!
Israel - Parshat Behar
Galus - Parshat Emor



Headlines & Recommended

Liberman is Persona Non Grata, and Bennett Can Forget About Judicial Revolutions
Netanyahu is angry and he plans to get even, but whose fault is it really?
Benjamin Netanyahu

British Voters Clobber Labor and Vote for Pro-Israel Cameron
Hamas' mouthpiece George Galloway lost his seat. Cameron may have a majority.
British PM David Cameron and Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu.

Israel 'Disappoints' US with 900 New Homes for Jews in Jerusalem
Jerusalem gives final approval for the 900 homes that caused a storm when Biden visited Israel in 2010.
Arab workers at construction site in Jerusalem.

Anti-Israel MK Galloway Allegedly Broke Election Law on Way to Defeat
He said that "the Zionists are celebrating" his defeat.
British MP George Galloway (center) arriving at the Rafah border crossing in southern Gaza, leading an international aid convoy of more than 500 activists, January 06, 2010.

LA Parents Sue Reform Groups over Sand Flies in Israel
Does "monitoring" teenagers mean protecting them against insects?
Reform Jews on Hike in Israel.

The Rising Star of the Middle East, Muhammad Bin Salman
The appointment of Muhammad Bin Salaman may well improve relations between Israel and the Saudis
Muhammad Bin Salaman

Senate Passes Bill that Puts Armlock on Obama Making a 'Bad Deal'
Congress is going Obama a favor by showing Iran it cannot get away with murder.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warns Congress against a

You Pray Your Way I'll Pray Mine
For coexistence, Jews (& everyone) must draw a line in the sand showing "This is where we part ways"
faith leaps

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