[wanabidii] Yemen strikes, Iran deadline, Pesach Sacrifice - Mar. 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

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March 31, 2015 / 11 Nisan 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Live Webinar with Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of the Shmuz Tonight: Reacting to the Tragedy in Brooklyn
A family. 7 Children. An indescribable tragedy. How do they go on? How do we react? And what lessons are we supposed to learn?
Sassoon Family Funeral

Attack on Yemeni Refugees Makes Israel Look Like the Girl Scouts
More than 40 refugees were killed in a Saudi-led air strike while PA office accuses Israel crime by building homes.
More than 40 were killed in the bombing of a Yemeni refugee camp by the Saudi-led strike force.

Iran Tells Its Citizens Israel IDF Joined Saudis to Bomb Yemen
The Iranian regime is hard up for propaganda, but maybe it is prophesying the future.
This is the photo of an Israeli Air Force attack plane shown with Fars New's Agency report that the IAF joined Saudi jest to bomb Yemen.

Iran Likely to Force Obama to Back Down on 'Deadline Threat'
Talks are likely to extend beyond Obama's self-imposed deadline that he had said he won't change.
Talks between Iran and the P5+1 at Lausanne are likely to be extended beyond Obama's self-imposed deadline.

The Pesach Sacrifice
The Temple Institute renacted the entire Pesach sacrifice ceremony.
Pesach Sacrifice 2015 4

One-Third of GOP Voters See Obama Worse for US than Assad and Putin
A Reuters poll shows that America is increasingly polarized, especially about President Obama.
One-third of polled Republicans see President Obama as the biggest imminent threat to the USA.

Knesset Opens the Tent to its 20th Circus
The clowns are back in town while ringmaster Netanyahu tries to tame the beasts.
Israel's favorite circus opens its 20th session Tuesday.

Netanyahu's View of Obama: Trust and Consequences
{Originally posted to author's website, FirstOne Through} TRUST Trust is the bedrock of a functional relationship. It enables one party to rely on the other. A trust that includes both intention and capability permits a sharing of responsibility and workload. The relationship between US President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu started off badly and further […]
Photo from President Barack Obama's past visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

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