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Kenya, Zambia, Uganda and Rwanda Ministries gather to address power sector and shape regional infrastructure planning
Ministers and senior representatives from four East African countries have recently pledged their support in solving East Africa’s crippling power deficit
Hon. Joseph Njoroge, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Kenya, H.E. Hon Christopher Yaluma, Minister of Energy and Minerals, Zambia, H.E. Hon Minister James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure, Rwanda and Maria Kiwanuka, Senior Advisor to H.E. The President and The President’s Office in Charge of Finance, Uganda will be joined by private power sector decision makers at the Powering East Africa meeting from 25-27th March in Nairobi (http://www.powering-eastafrica.com) to highlight the urgency of the region’s transmission crisis.
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Key speakers from the World Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB), IFC, Barclays, Symbion Power, KenGen, KPLC, UMEME and EEP will address game-changing actions for the power sector including; the critical role transmission must play in East Africa’s industrialisation, the role of power utilities, how best to overcome financing obstacles and how the cost of regional borrowing can be lessened by unlocking the transmission deadlock.
EnergyNet’s Programme Manager Ms Veronica Bolton-Smith said of the recent Ministerial confirmations; “When you consider that Powering East Africa is a targeted meeting for a small number of participants, the presence of four of the most powerful people in the region’s energy sector highlights the need for such focused talks.”
To view the full speaker list for this meeting and latest programme, please visit www.powering-eastafrica.com, or join the debate on Twitter @EnergyNet_Ltd #poweringeastafrica
Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of EnergyNet Ltd.
For more information about how to attend this meeting:
Meeting dates: 25-27th March 2015
Venue: Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club, Nairobi
Contact: Amy Offord, Marketing Manager
Tel: +44 (0)20 7384 8068
Email: pe-a@energynet.co.uk
Visit: http://www.powering-eastafrica.com/