[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Health Committee: latest update

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Votes and Proceedings

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09-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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Constitution Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to Constitution Committee (House of Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament.

09-02-2015 05:11 PM GMT

Witnesses to give evidence about inter-governmental relations and Smith Commission proposals

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EU Economic and Financial Affairs (Sub-Committee A): latest update

You are subscribed to EU Economic and Financial Affairs (Sub-Committee A) for The United Kingdom Parliament. 

10-02-2015 12:01 AM GMT

The EU Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs is hosting a seminar on Capital Markets Union

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Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee: latest update

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10-02-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on Defra performance in 2013-14

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Latest news from the House of Commons

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10-02-2015 08:40 AM GMT

The Committee holds two evidence sessions on child exploitation in Rotherham
10-02-2015 08:00 AM GMT

MPs debate contaminated land, maximum wage and other subjects
10-02-2015 07:00 AM GMT

Public Administration Committee hear from patient groups, consumer champions, PHSO and CQC
10-02-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on Defra performance in 2013-14

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.

10-02-2015 09:20 AM GMT


Education Service Update
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E-newsletter   |   February 2015

What's new in February?
Make sure you don’t miss out on our summer term A level select committee experience and upcoming teacher training seminars, see below for further details and booking. This is also a final reminder that entries for the Lights, Camera, Parliament! film competition, asking ‘what law would you make?’, must be submitted by 27 February.

KS5 select committee experience – apply online KS5 select committee experience – apply online
Give your A level Government & Politics students the opportunity to explore the role of Parliament's select committees in the Palace of Westminster's spectacular Grand Committee Room. Book online now for summer term visits

Teacher training seminars Teacher training seminars
Bookings are now being taken for our full-day general seminar on 24 February as well as the twilight (4-7pm) seminar on 3 March. These seminars are designed to provide an overview of Parliament for teachers, trainees and other education professionals working within Citizenship or related subjects. Find out more and apply

Magna Carta anniversary assembly plan Magna Carta assembly plan launched
To mark the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta, Parliament is inviting schools to host a themed assembly during the week of 15 June 2015 to celebrate and reflect on this important document and its legacy. The pack, containing a copy of the Salisbury Magna Carta and a template to write a Great Charter for today, has now launched so you can start planning your assembly. Find out more and download your free assembly plan

London underground animations that tell our democratic story London underground animations tell our democratic story
Every week Parliament has been releasing a new chapter in the 2015 series of mini-animations, spotlighting different moments from our democratic story. The animations visit key dates from Magna Carta to the present day. Each chapter is broadcast on digital screens at Zone 1 London Underground stations, and the chapters can also be found on the UK Parliament website

Lights, Camera, Parliament! competition – enter by 27 February Lights, Camera, Parliament! competition – enter by 27 February
We want young people to tell Parliament what new law they would introduce in the UK via a three minute film. The competition’s online hub is full of resources, tips, templates, inspiration topics and blogs to get students thinking about what law they’d like to propose and how they can film it. Winners will be invited to an awards day including a tour of Parliament, and a showcasing event at the British Film Institute

Resources exploring the emergence of ParliamentResources exploring the emergence of Parliament
This year marks 750 years since the Simon de Montfort parliament and 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta, both of which paved the way for the emergence of the House of Commons and democracy as we know it today. Why not explore the emergence of Parliament in the classroom using our range of online resources. Find out more about the full 2015 Parliament in the making programme

Road closures to be aware of when visiting ParliamentRoad closures to be aware of when visiting Parliament
The planned road closure of Bridge Street in Westminster may affect schools coming for an Education visit to the Houses of Parliament between 2 February and Easter 2015. Schools should allow a slightly increased travel time if arriving at Parliament by bus or coach during this period. The Westminster City Council website provides information on the affected road, and this map of the Parliamentary Estate provides details of the buildings and entrances to help you to plan your journey.

From our partners...

KS3 resources for 2015: Political Reform KS3 resources for 2015: Political Reform
The History of Parliament Trust has just launched a set of key stage 3 schools resources based on Political Reform, 1780s-1880s. These resources have been launched to tie in with the year-long celebrations of democracy marking the anniversaries of Magna Carta and the 1265 Parliament.

Twitter logo Follow us @ukparleducation
Follow us on twitter for real time updates from Parliament's Education Service. We'll pass on useful teaching resources, ideas and opportunities for you and other teachers, educators and professionals interested in engaging young people with Parliament and democracy.

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Read the latest Committee news

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10-02-2015 08:40 AM GMT

The Committee holds two evidence sessions on child exploitation in Rotherham
10-02-2015 07:00 AM GMT

Public Administration Committee hear from patient groups, consumer champions, PHSO and CQC
10-02-2015 12:01 AM GMT

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes report on Defra performance in 2013-14

House of Commons future business



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National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2012-13: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2012-13 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 08:55 AM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 08:55 AM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 08:55 AM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 08:50 AM GMT

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL]: House of Commons Committee stage
10-02-2015 08:50 AM GMT

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL]: House of Commons Committee stage
10-02-2015 08:50 AM GMT

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL]: House of Commons Committee stage

Infrastructure Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Infrastructure Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 09:30 AM GMT

Infrastructure Bill [HL]: Bill 172 2014-15, Lords Amendments to, Consequential on, or in Lieu of, Certain Commons Amendments
10-02-2015 09:13 AM GMT

Infrastructure Bill [HL]: House of Lords Consideration of Commons amendments
10-02-2015 09:13 AM GMT

Infrastructure Bill [HL]: Ping Pong

Summary Agendas and Orders of Business Update (UK Parliament)



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Latest Early Day Motions

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09-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

EDM number: 778
09-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

EDM number: 777
09-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

EDM number: 776
09-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

EDM number: 774

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Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

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10-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Read yesterday's House of Commons debates




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Written questions and answers and Written statements are available to view on the Written questions and answers and Written statements pages.

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House of Lords Committees: latest updates


View the current House of Lords Committee Bulletin






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Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Joint Committee on Human Rights update

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06-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Evidence on the UK's compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children's Commissioner for England, and Anne Longfield OBE, the Government's appointee for Children's Commissioner for England

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Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


Works of Art (Speaker's Advisory Committee): latest update

You are subscribed to Works of Art (Speaker's Advisory Committee) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Please visit the Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art's publications page to view these documents.

Latest committee inquiries

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Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL] 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL] 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 12:32 PM GMT

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL]: Written Evidence: Libery (AF02)
10-02-2015 12:32 PM GMT

Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [HL]: Written Evidence: Service Complaints Commissioner (AF01)

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2012-13: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2012-13 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage
10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage
10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill [HL] 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage
10-02-2015 01:34 PM GMT

National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill: House of Commons Committee stage

Recent Parliamentary Reports Update (UK Parliament)

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10-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. HC 802
10-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Lords. Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee. HL Paper 112
10-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

House of Commons. Committee on Standards. HC 383
Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

Read the latest standard notes from the House of Commons Library

09-02-2015 04:02 PM GMT

The US and Cuba have annoucned a normalisation of relations, but how close can they get? Will the US lift the economic embargo against Cuba or return Guantanamo Bay? Neither of these is currently under discussion but the US has already agreed to a range of measures to benefit individual Cubans and Americans, and the establishment of diplomatic relations is on the agenda. High level talks began in January and will continue in the coming months.
09-02-2015 03:21 PM GMT

Violence has been increasing in eastern Ukraine, leading to calls for the West to arm the Ukrainian government. But Ukraine is also close to financial meltdown.

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Latest news from the House of Commons

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10-02-2015 11:40 AM GMT

Commons debate Lords amendments to Bill on Tuesday 10 February
10-02-2015 11:00 AM GMT

House of Commons debates motions to approve reports
10-02-2015 10:30 AM GMT

Foreign Secretary made statement in the Commons
09-02-2015 12:17 PM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee hears from former Chief Executive after 2500 UK job losses

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Read the latest Committee news

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10-02-2015 02:05 PM GMT

Lords EU Committee takes evidence from academics on Tuesday 10 February at 4.05pm
09-02-2015 12:17 PM GMT

Scottish Affairs Committee hears from former Chief Executive after 2500 UK job losses

Parliament on Twitter

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Joint Committee on Human Rights update

You are subscribed to Joint Committee on Human Rights for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

10-02-2015 12:12 PM GMT

Joint Committee on Human Rights publishes its Sixth Report on Thursday 19 February
10-02-2015 12:12 PM GMT

Joint Committee on Human Rights publishes its Sixth Report on Thursday 19 February

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House of Commons Commission: latest update

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09-02-2015 03:00 PM GMT

Decisions from meeting held on 9 February 2015

Constitution Committee: latest update

You are subscribed to Constitution Committee (House of Lords) for The United Kingdom Parliament.

04-02-2015 12:00 AM GMT

Uncorrected oral evidence from Professor Michael Keating and Dr Mark Elliott.

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Latest committee inquiries

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10-02-2015 02:00 PM GMT

Committee to look at defence acquistion and managing the risk of growing costs

Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (Commons) Update

You are subscribed to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee email alerts for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

10-02-2015 12:34 PM GMT

PCRC announce winners of competition to write introduction to a new Magna Carta

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

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High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

Parliament's YouTube channel

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10-02-2015 03:55 PM GMT

Watch the 4th chapter in our 2015 series of mini-animations, spotlighting different moments from our democratic story. Animations will visit key dates, from Magna Carta to the present day, and are part of the 2015: Parliament in the Making programme. This project is being delivered in partnership with Exterion Media who is broadcasting each chapter on digital screens at London Underground stations across Zone 1 in the Capital. Illustrated animations have been produced by digital storytellers, Cognitive.
Views: 19
1 ratings
Time: 00:31 More in News & Politics

Deregulation Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Deregulation Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-02-2015 02:23 AM GMT

Deregulation Bill: Revised Third Marshalled List of Amendments to be moved on Report

Modern Slavery Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Modern Slavery Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-02-2015 02:24 AM GMT

Modern Slavery Bill: Amendments to be moved on Report

Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

11-02-2015 02:25 AM GMT

Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill: Amendment to be moved in Committee

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