[wanabidii] Random Foot in Mouth, PA pays terrorists, Leviathan found, This land is mine - Feb. 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

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February 11, 2015 / 22 Shevat 5775



Headlines & Recommended

US Officials Randomly Shoot from the Mouth to Make Obama Look Silly
Obama's remark of "randomly shooting folks at a deli in Paris" was too idiotic even for his spokesmen to cover up.
Four French Jews who Obama administration spokesmen insist were

Bibi Says: 'I am Going to Speak to Congress About the Bad Offer Made to Iran'
Bibi says US and partners already made very bad offer to Iran; he is going to DC to speak against it
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Black Congressmen Give Racist Spin to 'Boycott Bibi' Movement
Black Congressman Meeks of New York: Netanyahu's scheduled speech is "an insult to the president of the United States."
Georgia Congressman John Lewis will boycott Netanyahu's speech to Congress next month.

Palestinian Authority Studied Details of Each Terrorist Act Before Issuing Salaries
Abbas scrutinized details of each case details of each terrorist act before awarding $ and honors
Abbas sent them to kill

Hezbollah Planned to Assassinate Prime Minister Olmert
A possible double agent working for Israel may have scotched the assassination attempt.
Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Kerry Says ISIS 'Insults the Religion They Falsely Represent'
The self-appointed Secretary of Religion has ex-communicated Muslim terrorists from Islam.
John Kerry decides the Islamic State executioner is an imposter of Islam.

White House Confirms US Hostage Kayla Mueller Dead
Kayla Mueller: "I love cultures and language and learning about people's cultures."
Daesh (ISIS) hostage Kayla Mueller, 26, has been confirmed dead.

White House Reveals Kayla Mueller Was NOT 'Last American Hostage'
A new day, a new surprise: the White House reveals there is at least one more American being held hostage in Syria. No further details were released.
Daesh (ISIS) hostage Kayla Mueller, 26, has been confirmed dead.

US Shutters Yemen Embassy as Shiite Rebels Take Over Country
US Embassy in Yemen becomes the third in an Arab country to close since the Arab Spring began.
The capital of Yemen is Sana'a

Congressional Bill Introduced: Europe Must Reject Anti-Israel BDS in Free Trade Deal
The Congress begins to consider a new bill requiring Europe to reject anti-Israel boycotts in order to enjoy free trade with the U.S.
The U.S. Congress.

Ancient Leviathan Fossils Found in Arava Valley
Archaeologists and scientists have found remains of what may have been an ancient Leviathan in the Arava Valley, not far from the Dead Sea.
The Arava Valley along the Jordanian border stretches 180km from Eilat in the south to the tip of the Dead Sea in the north.

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