[wanabidii] IDF blows up half a terror tunnel, Steinitz trapped in Joe Biden's speech, Netanyahu: Israel will stop nuke deal - Feb. 9, 2014

Monday, February 09, 2015

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February 9, 2015 / 20 Shevat 5775



Headlines & Recommended

IDF Blows Up Gaza Terror Tunnel — Only On Israel Side of Border
The IDF blew up another terror tunnel penetrating into Israel from Gaza today. On the Israel side.
IDF soldier guards weapons confiscated from inside a tunnel near Kibbutz Sufa, July 17, 2014.

Netanyahu Charges Ynet, Yediot Acharanot with 'Smear Campaign'
PM Netanyahu blasts the owner of Ynet and Yediot Acharanot, charging him with a "smear campaign" aimed at toppling the Likud government.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu Warns US, World Powers Israel Will Block Iran Nuclear Threat
PM Netanyahu issued a blunt warning to the US and world leaders that Israel will stop Tehran from achieving an atomic weapon - regardless of deals signed.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu arrives at the weekly cabinet meeting.

On Accepting Invitations
It's disingenuous for Obama to claim a breach in protocol; he did much worse to Netanyahu in 2013
U.S. President Barack Obama at Jerusalem Convention Center, March 21, 2013.

US Begins to Use 'Daesh' for ISIL, 'Islamic State'
The US joins the rest of the world in referring to ISIS as 'Daesh' at Munich Security Conference.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Israeli Tax Dodgers Exposed In Swiss HSBC Scandal With $10 Billion In Secret Accounts
There are also 55 Palestinians on the list, both from the West Bank and Gaza, with a combined $148 million safely tucked away in Geneva.
Pointing the way to Israel's Tax Authority in Jerusalem.

The 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz: My Visit
"and then the smell, 70 years later, offending the olfactory, an unwanted gift to remind the future"
Survivors in Auschwitz

Want to Make a Statement Against Extremism? Start Supporting Your Local Jewish Press
The Turkish Jewish weekly Salom has for 7 decades put out a highly professional&relevant newspaper

Turkish Foreign Minister Targets Jews, Warns of 'Treason'
Red flags are waving for Turkey's Jewish community again. For the second time in a week, a high-ranking official targeted Jews in a speech.
Memorial plaque that hangs in lobby of Istanbul's Neve Shalom synagogue.

Hooded Men Fired Kalashnikovs at Marseilles Cops in Police Car
Hooded men fire Kalashnikov assault rifles at Marseilles police today while French prime minister Manuel Valls visits the city. Still no info on attackers.
French police officer outside Charlie Hebdo offices had hands in the air and he was lying on the ground, injured when terrorists shot him to death.

Anti-Semitism More Than Doubles in UK, Figures Show
Figures for anti-Semitic incidents in the UK have more than doubled over the past year. Are we surprised yet?
This Twitter post was uploaded in the UK on December 3, 2014 according to the Community Security Trust (CST), which has been recording UK anti-Semitic incident statistics since 1984.

EU Openly Funds, Builds in West Bank to Change Israel-PA Status
A UK journalist exposes the European Union sabotaging Israel in Area C, creating "facts on the ground" for West Bank Arabs.
Illegal construction by the European Union of a Palestinian Authority Arab school near the Jewish community of Adam, north of Jerusalem, in Area C.

Waiting for Tragic News
Years after the 2nd Intifada, I still listen for ambulance sirens, wondering if it's just...or 2...
A Soldier's Mother

V15 Campaign's Defense is Wrong: Its Positions More Radical than PA
V15's stated goals for the Middle East would result in the end of the Jewish State.
The parent org's website homepage of new political campaign office in Israel.

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A Soldier's Mother
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A Soldier's Mother

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Jordana Brown holding the

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Secular woman talking with ultra-Orthodox youth

Bibi, Between a Rock and a Hard Place
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Batya Medad
got your back

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Doug Goldstein, CFP®
Doug Goldstein

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