[wanabidii] The Anglo Vote Edition (photos & video), Hats off in Germany, Israel hides the dams, AI targets Israel - Feb. 26, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

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February 26, 2015 / 7 Adar 5775
Moshe's Yartzheit



Headlines & Recommended

The Anglo Vote Photo Essay
Photos from The Anglo Vote
Anglo Vote Entrance

'5 Shades of Israel' Debate the Issues for Anglo Votes in Jerusalem
Candidates from the top five Israeli parties addressed Anglo voters in Jerusalem on Wednesday; the big 'hot button' was Iran and the PM's speech to Congress next week.
ICBM-capable launcher observed near Tehran in Jan 2015. (Israel Ch. 2)

Germany's Central Council Of Jews Warns Against Wearing Yarmulkes
"It is a development that I did not expect five years ago and that's a bit shocking."

Israel Quickly Hides Dams To Undermine Gaza Flood Claims
It was in fact Israel, not Palestinians or journalists, who began spreading the older photos, in order to generate credibility for the "slander" angle.

Poll: One out of Three Americans Thinks Obama Does not Love America
The survey also revealed that 52 percent of the respondents have an unfavorable view of the president.
Anti-Obama montage.

Amnesty International: 'End Veto' Protection of Israel 'at UNSC'
Amnesty International: Israel amongst the world's greatest human rights abusers, seeks to strip the Jewish State of UNSC protection.
United Nations Security Council Chamber

Terror Victims' Court Victory Exposes America's Glory and Decay
Victim of Palestinian Arab terrorism, a victor in NY federal court, after years of being ignored by Justice Dept.
Alan Bauer's anguish captured after March 21, 2002 Arab terrorism grievously wounded his son, Yehonathan, being attended to by emergency personnel as he lay injured on the ground.

Palestinian Authority to Appeal Court Victory over Terror
The PA says the New York court decision is "a tragic disservice to the millions of Palestinians who have invested in the democratic process and the rule of law.
Israeli bus after suicide bombing.

Anatomy of a Stone
March 2013: Arabs hurled stones hitting the Biton's car; Adele's mother swerved the car-into a truck
Adele Biton, a light snuffed out by Arab terrorism

Canadian Leaders Rush to Condemn Anti-Semitic Vandalism in Montreal
Canadian leaders have condemned an anti-Semitic incident that left five cars damaged and their owners badly shaken in a Jewish neighborhood of Montreal this week.
Anti-Israel demonstrators protesting at Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada in May 2012

Montreal Hate Crime Probe Starts With Death Threats and Bullets
Frightening anti-Semitic vandalism has arrived at a Montreal parking garage, and a Jewish neighborhood is deeply worried following damage to five cars and death threats.
One of five swastikas sprayed on to cars in a garage in a Montreal Jewish neighborhood.

Israel State Comptroller's Report Details Housing Crisis
Israel's state comptroller has released a report on the nation's housing crisis that has set off a firestorm of criticism against the government but few solutions.
A view of Jerusalem from Givat HaMatos, a mostly empty section of land in southern Jerusalem. Peace Now wants this part of Jerusalem handed over to a

National Security Adviser Rice Calls Netanyahu's Upcoming Speech 'Destructive' [video]
The Obama Administration has been taken aback by news stories detailing its anticipated deal with Iran over the latter's nuclear program.
Susan Rice on Charlie Rose

Many anti-Israel demonstrations at universities have a not-so-latent anti-Semitic agenda as well
Israel on US college campuses

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