[wanabidii] What the Mossad (Really) Said, #IAmKnife terror supporters, Bibi to visit D.C. (Obama upset), WhatsApp on the PC, King Tut (broke) - Jan 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

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January 22, 2015 / 2 Shevat 5775
The Super-Packed with News Edition


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Despite Democrats' Claims, Mossad Chief Favors Additional Iran Sanctions
Despite claims the Mossad has gone rogue on Iran, Israel's spy agency is not opposed to additional Iran sanctions.
Tamir Pardo, director of the Mossad. (April 2014)

#IAmKnife (#JeSuisCouteau) Hashtag Supports Tel Aviv Stabbing Attack
Following terrorist knifing attack on Israelis, social media members extol the weapon, with #JeSuisCouteau.
Trending on social media, the hashtag translated as

Israel May Have Been 'Faking' That Killing Iranian General Was a Fluke
Israel tried to convince the world that its superb intelligence goofed.
Iranian Gen. Allahdadi, among six Iranian killed in IDF aerial strike on Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guards.

IDF Tightens Security in Northern Israel
Israel has tightened security along the northern border; the US has issued a travel warning.
Israeli troops guarding the northern border.

Netanyahu to Address US Congress on Iran
PM Netanyahu accepts invitation by Speaker Boehner to address joint session of Congress on the issue of Iranian nuclear threat, on Feb. 11.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the US Congress in Washington on May 24 2011.

White House Takes Aim: Netanyahu 'Departing From Protocol'
The White House says it's "reserving judgment" on PM Binyamin Netanyahu's visit to address a joint session of Congress on Iran Feb. 11.
US President Barack Obama speaking on the phone aboard Air Force One.

Hero Bus Driver's Condition Improving, Second Terror Stabbing Foiled
Bus driver Herzl Biton has regained consciousness; a second victim still fights for life. Another terror attempt was foiled today.
Medics and police evacuate wounded Israeli in stabbing attack.

72 Virgins Fail [video]
WARNING: GRAPHIC - Hamas supporters are upset this video of their "hero" was published.
Crying animal

French Police to Get Stronger Firepower, Counter Terror Forces
France will soon equip its police force with "stronger weapons" and hire 2,600 more counter terrorist forces, after the Paris attacks.
Bodies of the four Jewish victims of the terror attack at the Paris Hyper Cacher kosher grocery.

US Warships in Red Sea, Prepare to Evacuate Embassy in Yemen
At least two US warships have been moved to the Red Sea in case the Embassy in Yemen is evacuated.
The capital of Yemen is Sana'a

WhatsApp is Now on the Web (and Your Home Computer)
WhatApp, the ubiquitous mobile phone messaging system, is now available on your laptop computer - and it works!

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