[wanabidii] SIPRI Update January 2015: Russia and Europe, the Paris terror attacks and more ...

Friday, January 30, 2015
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Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
SIPRI Update: Global Security & Arms Control          
January 2015         blog-icon-box-orange-16.png

Russia as a strategic challenge for the European Union

Should the EU seek a transactional relationship with Russia based on pragmatic cooperation where there is mutual interest? Or should it insulate itself from the negative consequences of Russia's actions? Old questions for Europe are now being asked in a new context, writes Ian Anthony.

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Training exercise

Responding to the terrorist attacks in Paris

In the wake of the attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, the European Union and its member states face growing public calls to address internal and external threats and terrorism, writes Lars-Erik Lundin in the latest SIPRI Expert Comment.

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Flags of Europe

SIPRI ranked among top global think tanks

SIPRI has once again been ranked as one of the top think tanks worldwide in a survey conducted by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania. SIPRI was also mentioned in a number of other think tank categories.

Read the report online (PDF).
Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program

SIPRI participates in European youth project

In late 2014 SIPRI's European Security Programme participated in My Europe, an initiative which solicited the views of teenagers on the future of Europe, bringing together students, politicians, business leaders, academics and journalists in workshops all over Europe.

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Lina Grip speaks at the My Europe event in Stockholm
4 Feb. 2014, SIPRI, Stockholm, 14:00–15:30
SIPRI Lecture: The future of President Obama’s ‘Prague Vision’

SIPRI cordially invites you to a lecture by Dr Joseph F. Pilat. In December 2014, 158 countries met in Vienna to highlight the humanitarian impact of any nuclear explosion and stressed the importance of a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. These issues will be further highlighted at the upcoming nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference to be held at the United Nations in New York in April–May in 2015. It is within this context that Dr Pilat will review recent developments and offer comments on the way forward. Read the full invitation (PDF). Please confirm your participation no later than 3 February 2015 by sending an email with your name and full affiliation to Cynthia Loo (cloo@sipri.org).

7 Feb. 2014, Munich Security Conference
Building Security in and for Europe

Since December 2012, through its Helsinki+40 process, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has been evaluating its activities and trying to identify ways to enhance its effectiveness. This SIPRI event will take stock of the current evaluation and explore future opportunities within the framework of the OSCE. Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Chair of the OSCE's Eminent Persons Panel and a SIPRI Governing Board member, will offer special remarks at the lunch discussion. Read more about the Munich Security Conference or contact SIPRI Communications Director Stephanie Blenckner for further information.

11 Feb., SIPRI, 10:00-11:30
SIPRI Lecture: Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

SIPRI cordially invites you to a lecture by Professor Shinichi Kitaoka. A new geopolitical era is dawning: China is expanding its presence in the South and East China Seas and strengthening its control over the neighbouring countries through economic and political measures; Russia is returning to its traditional assertive policy; the United States is downsizing its role as the policeman of the world; religious and ethnic conflicts are on the rise; and the United Nations is not functioning effectively. Professor Kitaoka will explain how Japan, under the Abe administration, is trying to cope with these changes and find common ground with West European countries. Read the full invitation (PDF). Please confirm your participation no later than Tuesday, 10 February 2015 by sending an email with your name and full affiliation to Cynthia Loo (cloo@sipri.org).

SIPRI Researcher defends doctoral thesis
In December 2014 SIPRI Senior Researcher John Hart successfully defended his thesis, The Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) in the Assessment of Chemical Warfare Activities (PDF), for the degree of Doctor of Military Sciences at the Finnish National Defence University.


>> Siemon Wezeman commented on the United States' weapon exports to India for Bloomberg.

>> Aude Fleurant spoke to La Presse about Canadian arms exports to Saudi Arabia.

>> Ekaterina Klimenko discussed the new shipping route through the Arctic for Reuters. Her lecture on Russia's Arctic strategy was also covered by Kunskapskanalen (in Swedish).

>> Pieter Wezeman discussed the implications of falling oil prices on military budgets in the Middle East for IPS, and the launch of SIPRI's arms industry data for Sky News Arabia.

>> Zhou Hang commented on China's peacekeeping contribution in South Sudan in the Phoenix Weekly (in Chinese).

>> More SIPRI in the media ...

>> In brief: SIPRI staff activities in January 2015

>> More SIPRI news ...


Western Arms Exports to China

by Oliver Bräuner, Mark Bromley and Mathieu Duchâtel

This Policy Paper details the policies of four Western states—France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States—on transfers of military-related technologies to China, including military goods, dual-use items—goods and technologies that have the potential to be used in both civilian and military products—and other non-controlled items that have played a role in the development of China’s military capabilities. The authors conclude that, while Western transfers of militarily-relevant technology to China will remain limited for the foreseeable future, Western states need to develop more harmonized and transparent approaches that take relevant developments within China into account.

Read or download the SIPRI Policy Paper.

Western Arms Exports to China

SIPRI Yearbook 2014

SIPRI Yearbook 2014 is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. Sample sections from each of the chapters in SIPRI Yearbook 2014 are now available for download via the SIPRI website. Summaries of the Yearbook are also available in a number of languages. The full text of the Yearbook will be translated into Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Ukrainian.

Find out more about the SIPRI Yearbook by viewing the digital brochure or visiting the Oxford University Press website.

SIPRI Yearbook 2014
The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2013

The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2013

Violence against healthcare workers in complex security environments

Violence against healthcare workers in complex security environments

Russia’s Evolving Arctic Strategy: Drivers, Challenges and New Opportunities

Russia’s Evolving Arctic Strategy: Drivers, Challenges and New Opportunities

  © SIPRI 2015. ISSN 1654-8264.
Contact SIPRI by email: sipri@sipri.org; telephone: +46 8 655 97 00; or post:
SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, SE-169 70 Solna, Sweden. Visit us online at www.sipri.org.
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