[wanabidii] The French Jewry Edition - Jan. 12, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

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January 12, 2015 / 21 Tevet 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

Netanyahu Rained on France's Parade (Thank God)
France allegedly snubbed Israel and didn't want Netanyahu at the rally, but it was important that Netanyahu pushed his way to the front of the line.
Netanyahu Bennett and Hollande in Paris Synagogue

French Muslims Students Refused to Stand in Memory of Terror Victims
The wrong people stood in the solidarity rally.
Islamic fundamentalists in France.

Chabad-Lubavitch Vows 'Vibrant Jewish Life' to Continue in Paris
Chabad Education Chairman Rabbi Krinsky vows vibrant Jewish life will continue in Paris.
Je suis Juif de France: 'I am a Jew of France.

Why French Jewry Cannot Afford to Sleep
French Jewry is in the crossfire as the world starts to wrestle with radical Islam and is facing two lethal issues as it decides whether to leave en masse, for good.
ISIS terrorist Amedy Coulibaly pledges allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Jews Are Leaving France: 10,000 to Arrive in Israel in 2015
French Jewry is the largest new immigrant wave to Israel; figures more than doubled in 2014 and 10,000 new immigrants are expected in 2015.
Hundreds of French Jews attend a Jewish Agency aliyah information fair under tight security in central Paris on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015.

BBC Reporter Needles French Jewish Woman at Unity Rally
A BBC reporter needled a French Jewish woman Sunday at the mega Paris unity rally over the unrelated issue of Israel and Palestinians.

PM Netanyahu and President Hollande at Grand Synagogue of Paris Memorial Ceremony
Following the march, a memorial ceremony was held in the Grand Synagogue of Paris.
Grande Synagogue de Paris with Leaders

Where did Gaza's Concrete Go?
Gisha complains not enough building materials is let into Gaza, but admits what goes in isn't being used to rebuild Gazan homes.
A Hamas policeman walks past trucks loaded with cement which entered the Gaza Strip from Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing.

Syrian Forces Tortured Israeli Arab Who Tried to Join Jihadists
Did Syrian make the wanabee terrorist realize life is not so bad in Israel?
Siiran female jihadist.

NYPD Warned to 'Consider Tactics, Watch For Hands'
New York City police officers were given new orders on Sunday at roll call: "Remain alert and consider tactics at all times."
NYPD officers blindfolded by new regulations.

The New Anti-Semitism: Chesler Forces Our Eyes to See, Our Ears to Hear
When Phyllis Chesler first published The New Anti-Semitism more than a decade ago, it was a glowing lamp in the darkening night. Since that time, The Jewish Press readers know that much has gotten worse. Anti-Semitism is louder, more widely and brazenly espoused, with less shame, than it had been in decades. More people can now see what […]
Phyllis Chesler

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