[wanabidii] Christian Solidarity Worldwide Thanks Believers for Praying

Monday, January 12, 2015
NEW MALDEN, SURREY, UNITED KINGDOM (ANS) -- Just before Christmas, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (www.csw.org.uk ) asked believers to pray for people living in countries around the world where religious intolerance leads to harassment, violence and worse.
CSW is a Christian organization working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice.
In an e-mail update to ANS, a CSW spokesperson writes: "We were delighted to hear that Christians celebrated Christmas peacefully in some parts of the world that are usually known for religious intolerance. In other regions, though, attacks and arrests did take place.
"God works amazing miracles when we pray. But the news below shows how vital it is that we keep pressing on in prayer for everyone who suffers because of what they believe."
Below is a rundown on current religious persecution flashpoints.
Africa and the Middle East
Amin Khaki, from the Church of Irani, was released on 3 January, after being arrested last March at a picnic and suffering harsh treatment in prison.
However, Pastor Farshid Fathi, unjustly imprisoned on false national security-related charges, was given an additional one-year sentence at a trial on 29 December – on another false charge.
There were no attacks on churches over Christmas – instead CSW heard encouraging news of Muslims and others joining forces to protect churches holding Christmas services in Borno State.
However, on New Year's Day a suicide bomber attacked a church in Gombe State. He died and eight church members were injured.
Attacks on Egyptian Christians are becoming commonplace in Libya. Twenty Egyptian Christians have been kidnapped in Libya over the last few weeks (so far, 13 have been released), and a doctor, his wife and their daughter were murdered.
Central African Republic
For the first time in two years, some churches in the Central African Republic celebrated Christmas without incident. The country has been torn apart by a civil war which started with a coup in March 2013.
South Asia
Christians in Punjab Province were able to celebrate Christmas peacefully this year – "a real cause for thankfulness in a country where the situation for Christians is worse than we've ever seen it before."
Latin America
The body of a priest was found in Mexico on Christmas Day – the third priest to be disappeared or killed in Guerrero State alone last year.
CSW's Leadership
At the heart of CSW is its Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) – a small group which makes decisions on strategy and operations, so that CSW can be as effective as possible in its religious freedom advocacy.
Written by Michael Ireland, Special Correspondent
January 11, 2015

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