[wanabidii] Asara b'Tevet, Likud Elections, PA & the ICC, HarperCollins Apologizes - Jan 1, 2015

Thursday, January 01, 2015

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January 1, 2015 / 10 Tevet 5775


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Likud Election Updates
UPDATED: Netanyahu Stays On Top, and the Other Initial Likud Winners
Following a partial count, these are the winners in the Likud Primaries
Likud Voice

'Deals' with Likud Bigwigs Backfire and Put Feiglin at Exit Door of Knesset
It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Feiglin's loss is the Jewish Home party's gain.
Moshe Feiglin.

The Correction
HarperCollins Apologizes and Pulls Atlas That Erased Israel
After erasing Israel from its maps, HarperCollins is pulling and destroying all the factually incorrect atlases.

Court Bars Tearing Down Terrorist's Home because He Failed to Kill Glick
The man who gunned down Yehuda Glick can thank his victim for living and keeping the attacker's home intact.
Tour guide Yehuda Glick (right) leading a group on Temple Mount.

Terrorists at the ICC
Israel Warns Palestinians, 'Fear the Intl Criminal Court'
Israeli leaders slam the Palestinian Authority's status as a new member of the Intl Criminal Court at The Hague.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu speaks to the media.

US 'Deeply Troubled' Palestinians Join Intl Criminal Court, 21 Intl Treaties
The US says it is "deeply troubled" by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas signing the Rome Statute to join ICC.
U.S. Secy of State John Kerry, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas meeting in Ramallah.

Palestinian Authority Snubs Obama, Joins Intl Criminal Court at The Hague
Abu Mazen signs the Rome Statute enabling the Palestinian Authority to join the Intl Criminal Court at The Hague.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Run of the Mill Terrorism
IDF Arrests 2 Terrorists and Confiscates Grenades in Jenin
The Israel army continues to do what the Palestinian Authority promised to do.
Weapons found in terrorists' home in Jenin.

Road Terrorists Hit the Wrong Target
Road terrorists targeted Israelis in Jerusalem and near Ofra on Wednesday; one victim was an Arab woman.
Jerusalem Arabs attack Jewish motorist. (archive)

Last week there were several sightings of "Santa" in Judea/Samaria in Israel, all protesters.
Terrorist Santa

The 10th of Tevet
Today is a Fast Day and not 'Happy New Year' Day
Chief Rabbi David Lau reminds all Jews to say the Kaddish prayer in memory of Holocaust victims.
Holocaust survivors memorial, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

Tenth of Tevet – Asarah B'Tevet
The 10th of Tevet began the chain of calamities culminating in the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash
Destruction of Jerusalem

The Tenth of Tevet
10th of Tevet marks the onset of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylonia
Zedekiah is chained and brought before Nebuchadnezzar

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