[wanabidii] 2 Rockets Slam Israel - Mt. Hermon closed, IDF Returns Fire, Int'l Holocaust Day, UNRWA not paying Gaza - January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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January 27, 2015 / 7 Shevat 5775
International Holocaust Remembrance Day


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Headlines & Recommended

Two Missiles Explode in Golan Heights; IDF Returns Fire
Two missiles exploded in the northern Golan Heights Tuesday afternoon, and the IDF has returned artillery fire into Syrian territory[…]
Israeli soldiers praying as IDF forces seen reinforcing presence in the Golan Heights Northern Israel.

Mount Hermon Ski Resort Reopens After Rocket Attack
Visitors are invited to return to Mount Hermon Ski Resort after a double rocket attack sent officials to evacuate hundreds of people earlier in the day.
IDF soldiers during a training session in the snow covered mountains of Hermon.

BBC's Holocaust Tweet Shocker
BBC: "Our one big question this morning: Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?"
BBC Big Questions

Obama Sends Jack Lew To Auschwitz
President Obama is sending Jack Lew, the first Orthodox Jewish Treasury Secretary to the commemoration. Secretary Lew will be leading a delegation of State Department officials and Auschwitz survivors.
President Barack Obama walking with Chief of Staff Jack Lew during a break from debate preparations in Williamsburg, Va., Oct. 14, 2012.

UNRWA Runs Out of Money that Israel Says Being Used for Terror Tunnels
As usual, there is a big gap between what Arab countries promise and what they deliver.
Ban Ki-moon walks through a Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza to Israel last year.

UPDATE: Social Media Sites Back Up Worldwide – Global Productivity Drops
Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms have fallen off the Internet worldwide.
facebook madness

Snow Cripples the Big White Apple [video]
If two inches of snow is enough to shut down New York, what happens when two feet fall?
Snowplow in New York starts to tackle the snow before it piles up.

"Does France Want Jews or Do Jews Want France?"
There was a glaring void in the President's State of the Union speech: Israel.

Kimberly-Clark Buys Out Israeli Diaper Firm for $160 Million
The Israeli economy is on the way to becoming owned by foreigners.
Another Israeli company has sold out.

'Let's Go Jew-Bashing' Muslims Hauled into British Court
Maybe the court will forgive the gang because one of them apologized.
Hassnain Aliamin , one of four Muslim teenagers who attacked a Jew in Gateshead.

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