[wanabidii] "Pregnant" suicide bomber foiled, Terror in Australia, Election Update - Dec. 15, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

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December 15, 2014 / 23 Kislev 5775

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Terror in Israel

Tel Aviv Suicide Bomb Plot Foiled
Released for Publication: The female suicide bomber was going to dress up as a pregnant Jewish woman.
Illustration photo

Jewish Driver Overturns His Car after Hit by Rock-Throwing Terrorists
Every "little" rock-throwing attack is attempted murder.
Aftermath of attack on car in Samaria by Palestinian rock-throwing terrorist.

Terror in Australia
Lindt Cafe's Islamic Gunman Identified
The gunman, besides being a Muslim cleric, has a violent record.
Lindt Chocolates Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia where Islamist terrorists have taken 13 hostage. Dec. 15, 2014.

Pre-Hanukkah Miracle for Israeli in Sydney Siege [video]
Gad Elbaz wrote on Facebook, "A Miracle, a miracle a miracle of Hanukkah."
Israeli singer Gad Elbaz.

BREAKING: ISIS Hostage Situation in Australia
Islamist terrorists have taken 13 hostage in a chocolates cafe in Sydney, Australia.
Lindt Chocolates Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia where Islamist terrorists have taken 13 hostage. Dec. 15, 2014.

Terror in Iraq
Jerusalem Cleric Shares Tale of 4 Childred Martyred by ISIS
Four Christian children faced ISIS terrorists and refused to convert to Islam in Iraq. They were taught by the Jerusalem yeshiva-trained 'Vicar of Iraq."
Young children 'recruited' by the Al Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) terrorist group for a Shari'a jihadist army in Iraq and Syria.

Latest Knesset Poll: Labor Down, Likud Up
The latest Knesset poll has Labor down a bit, and Likud moving up again.
israel polls

Election Tidbits: Michael Oren, Rami Levi, Jewish Home and Shas
Moshe Kahlon courts Michael Oren but rejects Rami Levi. Shas and Jewish Home divorces not yet final.
Michael Oren and Rami Levi.

Diplomatic Terror at the UN
Netanyahu Says Israel Can Withstand PA's UN Diplomatic Attack
PM Netanyahu says Israel will withstand a diplomatic UN ambush by the Palestinian Authority and Arab Nations.
John Kerry and Prime Minister Netanyahu to hold urgent talks on Monday.

Kerry Tries to Head Off Abbas at the Pass
Abbas' sidekick Erekat says Palestinian Authority will win the High Noon showdown and go the UN for statehood.

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