[wanabidii] The International Islamic Terror Edition - Dec. 22, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

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December 22, 2014 / 30 Kislev 5775
Chodesh Tov / Happy Chanukah


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Headlines & Recommended

French Driver Shouting "Allahu Akbar" Plows into Crowd
Man shouting "Allahu Akbar" drives car into crowd in the French city of Dijon.
Eleven people were injured by a motorist who plowed into a crowd in southern France. The driver yelled

NY Police Search for Missing Links on Deranged Muslim Murderer of Cops
He had written on Facebook, "Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies."
Ismaaiyl Brinsley

Palestinian Authority Terrorist Tries to Kill Soldier at Checkpoint
The Palestinian Authority is a serial murderer – first the "peace process" and now Israeli soldiers.
Soldiers check Palestinian Authority Arabs for knives,explosives, guns, screwdrivers and anything else that can be used to murder.

Arabs Imitate Ancient Greeks and Vandalize Joseph's Tomb
"Both sides shall respect and protect the listed below religious rights of Jews, Christians, Moslems and Samaritans." – Oslo Accords.
Masked Palestinian youth burn tires and throw stones in Joseph's Tomb. (archives)

Giant Chabad Menorah Lit Without Ceremony in Martin Place, Sydney
The annual Giant Chabad Menorah was lit without a ceremony this year in Martin Place, Sydney.
The annual Chabad menorah lighting ceremony at Martin Place in Sydney has been canceled but the menorah was quietly, respectfully lit and spread its Light this year to honor the victims of the terror attack at the Lindt cafe.

India May Pull Rug Out From Under Abbas in UN Vote
India may pull its vote in favor of the PA resolution before the UN Security Council and instead choosing abstention.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meet in NY late Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014, ahead of Netanyahu's speech at UN General Assembly set for the next day.

New Poll: Shows Netanyahu Will Lead Next Gov't with Haredim
The results of the poll may cause people to start changing their minds.
Haredi men cast their votes for the 19th Knesset in Bnei Brak, January 22 2013.

What If The Maccabees Had Fled?
Let us become modern day Maccabees and seize the day. Embrace the challenge. Fight for Hashem.

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