[wanabidii] Bennett rules at Saban Forum, Abbas reveals plans to destroy Israel, Meir "Big Brother" Sheetrit- Dec. 7, 2014

Sunday, December 07, 2014

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December 7, 2014 / 15 Kislev 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

Naftali Bennett Takes on the Peace Industry — and Wins
Bennett does an amazing job at the Saban Forum. And an even better job taking on Martin Indyk.
Martin Indyk and Naftali Bennett

Meir Sheetrit Tries to Sneak In Baby Biometric Bill
Meir "Big Brother" Sheetrit tried to sneak in a baby DNA biometric bill before it was too late, or even noticed.
Meir Sheetrit - Baby Biometric Bill

Abu Mazen Expresses His True Plans for Israel and Peace
Abu-Mazen admitted he plans to overrun Israel with 6 million Arabs...
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in a meeting at his Muqata compound in Ramallah, where he rejected both Israel's exclusive rights to Jerusalem and its status as a Jewish state.

Feiglin Would Bring 18 Mandates to the Likud
The Likud checked to see if anyone other than Bibi could bring them to victory.

Bennett Cites Agreement with Netanyahu During Campaign
Bayit Yehudi party chairman Naftali Bennett says he and PM Netanyahu agreed to a truce during Israei's upcoming campaign.
Bayit Yehudi party chairman Naftali Bennett.

Knesset Jeremy Poll of Polls – Weekly Average #1
Knesset Jeremy Weekly Average #1 (week of Nov 30-Dec 6 2014) of 12 polls from 9 polling companies.
Cartoons Party Leaders

2nd US Rescue Attempt Fails, Al Qaeda Hostage Dead
American photojournalist Luke Somers was killed Friday by his Al Qaeda captors in Yemen.
A rural area in Yemen. (archive photo)

Clinton Plays Up 'Two-State Solution' for the Liberal Jewish Vote
Abbas and most of Israel know the idea is dead and buried, but too many US Jews still believe it.
Hillary Clinton kissing Suha Arafat. It's almost unnecessary to read on, whatever else she's done—and she has—how could she possibly top that?

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