Source: TRA Website
Eligible companies are hereby invited to submit applications for New Customs Agency Licenses for 2015. An eligible company is one that meets the following conditions:
1) The company should have working capital of not less than TZS 50,000,000;
2) The company's tax affairs should be in order (as at the time of submitting the application);
3) The company should have a bank guarantee, drawn in favour of Commissioner for Customs and Excise, of at least shillings 100,000,000 and which shall remain valid for the whole duration of the license i.e. 1st January – 31st December 2015;
4) Directors of previously licensed companies whose licenses were revoked in the last five years should not have any stake in the company;
5) Directors of already licensed companies should not have any stake in the company;
6) TRA employees should not have any stake in the company;
7) The company should have at least seven employees including Executive Directors two of which must have the East African Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate;
8) Employees of the company should be members of any public social security fund;
9) The company should have suitable office premises equipped with computing facilities capable of connecting to the Tanzania Customs Integrated System (TANCIS) – to be subjected to verification prior to granting of license.
Any eligible company interested to conduct the business of Customs clearance must submit a complete application in the prescribed form (C 20), available at the TRA website by 12th December 2014. An application shall be deemed complete only if accompanied with the following:
1) Most recent audited financial statements;
2) Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the company and a letter in support thereof;
3) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Certificate of the company;
4) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Certificate for each Director;
5) VAT Registration Certificate of the company (if any);
6) The company's Bank Guarantee drawn in favour of the Commissioner for Customs and Excise;
7) Certified copy of a valid relevant business license from Ministry of Industries and Trade;
8) Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company;
9) Certificate of Incorporation of the company;
10) Letter from the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) stating the current status of the company's directors and shareholders;
11) Certified copy of title deed or lease agreement for a suitable office;
12) Name and recent passport size photograph of each director and of at least five technical staff who will transact Customs business (the photos must be duly certified by a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths);
13) Certified copy of a valid identification document for each of the persons in (12) above (National ID, Driving License or Passport);
14) Certified copy of the East African Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate of at least two of the persons mentioned in (12) above;
15) Proof of membership to a public social security fund for each employee of the company;
16) Bank account details for the Company;
17) Proof of working capital of TZS 50 million;
18) Proof of payment of the application fees of US $ 50;
19) An introduction letter, in duplicate, for one of the persons mentioned in (12) above who will represent the company in the interview containing e mail and mobile telephone contact provided he/she meets the following conditions:
a) He/she is a director or a permanent staff of the company and is among those mentioned in (12) above;
b) Possesses the East African Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate;
c) He/She has never been a director of a company whose Customs agency license has been revoked;
Representatives of eligible short-listed applicant companies will be required to take a written interview on 20th December, 2014.
Complete applications should be submitted as soon as possible but not later than 12th December 2014 to:
Procedures and Licensing
Customs and Excise Department
P. O. Box 9053
Dar es Salaam
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